Interview 907 — Deadline Headlines with Jack Blood

Jack Blood of joins us for his regular monthly news round up. This month we discuss the problem at the US-Mexican border as the amnesty/immigration debate seems to be coming to a head as new immigration detention centers are being built by DHS. We also cover the Iraq situation and the Keystone/Capstone pipeline, the lawless TSA and lawless government in general, the death of David Rockefeller’s son, and the paradigm busting Krist Novoselic, former bass player of Nirvana.


Immigration Paradigm: New “Detention Centers” to be built by DHS

Iraq conflict: Could it boost the Keystone XL pipeline bid?

Israel accepts first delivery of disputed Kurdish pipeline oil

Despite Protests, Canada Approves Northern Gateway Oil Pipeline

Do as we say, not as we do: TSA Naked Scanners Illegal but They’re Using Them Anyway

Final Report on Richard Rockefeller Plane Crash

Nirvana’s Krist Novoselic on Punk, FairVote, Why He Dumped the Dems, & Why the GOP Should Embrace Anarchy