James Corbett joins Melody Cedarstrom and Alfred Adask on the Financial Survival radio show to discuss the economic issues facing and shaping Japan, from demographic winter to debt crisis to Abenomics. We also talk about the Fukushima disaster, the Chinese-Japanese tensions over disputed islands, the “New Cold War” between Russia and NATO, and the price of gold.
Japan’s population falls ‘by record 244,000′ in 2013
Japan’s demography – The incredible shrinking country
But the Progressives Told Us Abenomics Would Be Great for Japan
Top Nuclear Experts: Technology Doesn’t Yet Exist to Clean Up Fukushima
Critique of Yablokov’s Chernobyl book
The CIA’s 1971 Secret Report On The Senkaku Islands Dispute
Anders Fogh Rasmussen appeals for more funds for NATO’s war machine
Ukraine’s acting PM vows to comply with IMF conditions
Ukraine Welcomes IMF Austerity Regime
More IMF research confirms austerity increases inequality
IMF cautions Australia against austerity policies
HFT manipulation of gold and silver prices