Interview 834 — Uncorking Conspiracy with the Beard World Order

Hosts: Guillermo Jimenez, James Corbett, and Tom Secker

Welcome to The Beard World Order: Tom Secker, James Corbett, and Guillermo Jimenez are back, better, and more bearded than ever. On today’s episode we “uncork the bottle of conspiracy” and discuss what Tom refers to as “nihilism within the truth movement.”

How far does the rabbit hole go for you? Where is your “crazy line” in the sand? We talk movie magic, “fake drills,” the crisis actor meme, the “Hollywoodization” of reality, the “government shill” smear, the “who should I trust” conundrum, and all sorts of other weirdly interesting phenomena within this world of “conspiracy.”

Oh, and also: James Corbett is exposed as an actor secretly living in Arizona.


Contact Guillermo, James, and Tom with questions, comments, and suggestions for future topics to be discussed on the show.

For a High Quality audio download of this episode, click here (right-click, and save-as).

Show Notes:

From James: Video: Harley Davidson Man (aka Mark Walsh)

From Tom: The Bulgarian Communist Party Headquarters (Photos of quite possibly the strangest looking building in the world)

From Guillermo: Project PM — Persona management