In this edition of their bi-monthly talk on The Power Hour James and Joyce discuss the Chinese debt bubble, plummeting Bitcoin prices, banker deaths, the biggest fraud in the world and more. They also take your calls on a range of subjects from false flags to the petroyuan to weather manipulation.
“Off The Charts” How China Fooled The World
Bitcoin Touches $220 On Formerly Dominant Exchange MtGox – After 60% Plunge
Episode 286 — Rockefeller Medicine
Baucus Thanks Wellpoint VP Liz Fowler for Writing Health Care Bill
What To Do When Bankers Start Jumping Out of Windows
Suspicious Death of JPMorgan Vice President, Gabriel Magee, Under Investigation in London
The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation
Bitcoin Exchange Bitstamp Halts Withdrawals Citing Denial Of Service Attack
Bitcoin beware: JPMorgan seeks patent for rival online payment system
MIT study of Ghouta chemical attack challenges US intelligence
Geoengineering for Financial Gain
Water leaks from barrier found at Fukushima plant
Tokyo election loss for anti-nukes lets Abe push for restarts