University of London, 20-21 February, 2009
War Crimes Conference — Retrospectives and Prospects ‘Identifying war crimes and the perpetrators is a key part of post-conflict resolution’
Venue: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London
When: February 20/21 2009
Speakers Include:
- Lesley Abdela,
- Professor David Fraser
- Michael Kandiah
- Frank McDonough
- Hans Pawlisch
- Dr David Seymour
- Professor David Sugarman
Details, including the programme and the booking form will be available on the SOLON, IALS, and CCBH websites:
- Or, Further info on speakers see below or go to search
engines, viz
Prospective themes include:
- The implications of the use of national/international courts and tribunals and the problems of jurisdiction
- The role of the media in portraying war crimes, and the rhetoric used
- Legal issues, e.g. the nature of evidence in war crimes trials; questions of jurisdiction
- Witness perspectives: protection, access to courts; financial support; are their voices heard?
- Witness perspectives: protection, access to courts; financial
support; are their voices heard? Do prosecutions serve justice? - The impact of recent trials, e.g. Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
- Lesley Abdela, specialist in Gender in post-conflict/post-natural
disaster reconstruction, and Gender in Humanitarian Aid - David Fraser, Prof of Law and Social Theory, Nottingham University
- Michael Kandiah, Director Witness Seminars Programme, Centre for
Contemporary British History, Institute of Historical Research,
specialising in the Cold War period - Frank McDonough, Reader in International History, Liverpool John
Moores University - Hans Pawlisch, currently historian to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington
- David Seymour, law lecturer Lancaster University, known for his work
on human rights and anti-Semitism - David Sugarman, professor of law Lancaster University, currently
working on the Pinochet episode