Three woman and one man have glued themselves to a statue at the Houses of Parliament.
A message posted on the Internet from the four states: “4 members of Climate Rush have just glued themselves to a statue in Parliament, 100 years to the day after a Suffragette!”
The Climate Rush website says: “We are a diverse group of women and men who are determined to raise awareness of the biggest threat facing humanity today – that of climate change.
“Our government acknowledges the huge problems we face from climate change, but carries on with business as usual.
“We demand deeds not words because individual choice alone cannot curb CO2 emissions if we are to stop runaway global warming.”
Police were forced to seal off the area outside as the protestors glued themselves to a statue of Viscount Falkland. The statue they chose was one famously used in peaceful civil disobedience by Suffragettes, who chained themselves to it to campaign for the vote for women.
“They entered as visitors before taking this action,” a police spokesman said.
“At 1715 officers arrested the three women and one man for public order offences and criminal damage.
“They are in custody at a central London police station. The business of the House was not affected.”
Spokeswoman Jenny Lovell said the protest was linked to a recent Government announcement giving the go-ahead for new generation coal-fired power stations.