RINF Film Screening: 9/11 Press For Truth


On Wednesday, 11 April, 2007, local events organisers will host a screening of 9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH. The film will be screened at 7:30 p.m. at Friends Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster. Admission is free.

Drawing from Paul Thompson’s exhaustive research, 9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH documents how family members of 9/11 victims compelled the greatest powers in Washington to conduct an investigation, only to watch the 9/11 Commission fail to answer most of their questions. Featuring overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, the documentary reveals a pattern of official lies, deception and spin that raises disturbing and important questions.

In 9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH, five of the most prominent members of the ‘Family Steering Committee’ tell their story for the first time, providing the most powerful argument yet for why 9/11 still needs investigation.

About RINF Events – Real World Action & Empowerment

RINF events take place in the UK, usually free and always informative. RINF founder, Michael Meaney, often (but not always) works with a wide range of groups and people, to organise these events which include speakers and film screenings. Recent events include talks with Annie Machon and David Shayler (ex-MI5 whistleblowers), Ian R. Crane (chair of the British 9/11 Truth Campaign) and William Rodriguez (last man out of the Twin Towers). Funding, equipment, promotional material and room hire for events comes directly from the RINF.COM web site. If you’re interested in holding events in your area, please get in touch.