Eric Zuesse
RINF Alternative News
On Monday, June 22nd, a video was posted to youtube showing (starting at 3:00) a Russian bank being vandalized in Ukraine by a mob of “Right Sektor” thugs, which is the same organization who were used by Obama’s team (led by our State Department’s Victoria Nuland) to bring down the former — the Russia-friendly — Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, and who were also used by us to firebomb Odessa’s Trade Unions Building on May 2nd in order to massacre the hundreds of people inside seeking shelter from the mob that our regime had organized for this massacre. Yanukovych was the last freely elected President of Ukraine, the last one who was elected by all parts of the country. The new regime is now carrying out an ethnic cleansing operation in the southeastern provinces where Yanukovych had won the most votes, so as to get rid of the people who had voted for Yanukovych. During the Odessa massacre the victims inside the Trade Unions Building had been people who didn’t like the new Ukrainian regime that we had imposed upon Ukraine, by means of this “Right Sektor” organization, and another, called “Svoboda,” whose original name had been the “Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine,” a copycat Ukrainian version of Hitler’s National Socialist Party of Germany (for short the “Nazi” Party).
Here is a frame from this new video, showing our people’s vandalization of that Russian bank:
(This video is at
The event’s description, which is provided in the video’s accompanying “About,” says that “Several hundred people with ‘Right Sector’ [or ‘PS,’ for Pravy Sektor’] and carrying Ukrainian flags, blocked in Kiev a group of religious activists from the town of Lavra who were supporting a measure in Parliament against the military action in the Donbas region. … Police gave assurances to representatives of the PS, whose SS column then moved on, … shouting slogans [Ukrainian Nazi ones, praising Ukraine, and damning Russia and Russians].” Then they went on to a “branch of Sberbank of Russia.” But actually, the police weren’t cooperative with the thugs. A friend who lives in Ukraine made the video’s meaning clearer for me by saying of it simply: “Pravy Sektor wanted to beat refugees from south east but could not find them. They beat police and broke up Sber bank instead,” simply because it happened to be “Russian.”
Ukraine’s own largest bank is Privat Bank, which is owned by the Governor that Obama’s people appointed to run the Dnipropetrovsk region, Ihor Kolomoysky, who had been the mastermind behind our May 2nd massacre in Odessa. So, our thugs here in this new video are actually helping to eliminate in Kiev one of Kolomoysky’s competitors. In fact, Sberbank is the largest bank not only in Russia, but in all of Eastern Europe, and it is the third-largest bank in all of Europe. So, within Ukraine, it was Kolomoysky’s own stiffest competitor. Eliminating it would block our opponents in Ukraine from being able to patronize a Russian bank instead of Kolomoysky’s or another of our allied fascists’ banks, and that’s what these fascists were, in effect, doing.
Forbes rates Kolomoysky’s fortune at $6.3 billion. Kolomoysky is famous in Ukraine for using his private armed gang to help him to take over Ukrainian corporations. His bank’s name, “Privat,” is thus especially appropriate. Kolomoysky, moreover, had “earned” his fortune during the Harvard-led privatizations of the formerly communist-government properties, which had occurred in all of the former Soviet states. He’s a very “anti-big-government” person, very “pro-free-market,” against regulations, etc.
Kolomoysky’s main residence is in Geneva, but his friend Yulia Tymoshenko, the rabid anti-Russian whom Obama had wanted to become Ukraine’s President, got word to Victoria Nuland that Kolomoysky would be the best person to appoint to become the new Governor of Dnipropetrovsk; and so he was selected for that post, and he now lives in Dnipropetrovsk.
Kolomoysky has turned out to be an extremely effective agent for Obama throughout Ukraine, and a major asset for the present Ukrainian Government. As a businessman, he can’t be beat, because he is the one who does the beatings (or at least commissions them). He is clearly a master at getting a job done. In fact, that’s how he became Ukraine’s third-wealthiest person. Of course, the results for his (and our) victims aren’t good at all. But Obama obviously doesn’t care about that. He doesn’t care about them.
Kolomoysky recently hired Joe Biden’s Son, the lawyer Hunter Biden.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.