Why Are Police Simulating Armed “Angry Parents” Laying Siege to Schools?

Mac Slavo
May 12, 2013

There is a new national threat that has, apparently, been making headline news all over the country in recent years. According to law enforcement officials in Washington that domestic terror threat involves armed and angry parents acting in concert to take over a school.

It’s an active shooter situation that police officers, SWAT and emergency response personnel are currently simulating in training exercises.

The question is, why?

Two shooters went on a simulated rampage… they pretended to be angry parents at a school.

The idea was to test the response of police and firefighters to  a situation that was right out of the news headlines.

“We’ve been dealing with this cross-country for years.”

While we understand that police require simulated training exercises for active shooter situations, especially given the events of the last year, why was this particular scenario chosen?

When was the last time a coordinated attack on a school by angry parents made headlines?

What news headlines?

I read a lot of news every day and these “angry parents” taking over a school at gunpoint, requiring SWAT intervention, somehow completely escaped my notice!

Well, it must be true, because the police officer in charge said, “We’ve been dealing with this across the country for years.”

Where?  When?

Once upon a time, police were there to protect people like parents, children, the elderly, and pregnant ladies.  But the lines are being drawn and great effort is being undertaken to create a new breed of villains for the “authorities” to fight — and those villains are us.

Via The Organic Prepper

Let’s consider the circumstances that would have to occur for not one, but two or more parents to lay armed siege to a school.

There’s only one real scenario that comes to mind, and you’d more than likely have to be a prepper or conspiracy theorist to even contemplate the possibility.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The schools which our kids attend have “shelter-in-place” emergency procedures that would be enacted in the event of an emergency such as a nuclear, chemical or biological attack. During these emergencies schools are to be locked down with no unofficial access into the buildings until the all-clear has been given. It’s unclear based on district procedures just what the shelter-in-place order means and what steps parents would need to take

This article originally appeared on : Infowars