Sheriff Arpaio to Testify in Case Challenging President’s Birth


Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
New American
May 9, 2013

World Net Daily, among others, is reporting that “the nation’s toughest sheriff,” Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio (shown), and his team of investigators called the “Cold Case Team” will soon give evidence in a case before the Alabama Supreme Court considering whether Barack Obama is qualified to serve as president of the United States.

Although dismissed by a lower court, the case has been appealed to the Alabama Supreme Court. Specifically, the plaintiffs – 2012 Constitution Party presidential nominee Virgil Goode and Alabama Republican Party leader Hugh McInnish – are suing to force Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman to legally verify the Article II eligibility of all candidates for president on the 2012 ballot.

Article II of the Constitution mandates that “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President….”

Goode and McInnish, represented by attorney Larry Klayman (founder and former chairman of Judicial Watch), argue that there is sufficient evidence to disqualify Barack Obama based on their allegation that the birth certificate provided by the White House identifying Hawaii as the state of the president’s birth is fraudulent.

Sheriff Arpaio and his lead investigator, Mike Zullo, have been looking into the possible inconsistencies and irregularities in the Obama birth certificate proffered by Hawaii state health department officials.

According to a statement published on a blog written by Commander Charles Kerchner, who filed one of the first cases challenging Obama’s status as a “natural born citizen, Zullo is quoted saying, “We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud.”

While similar challenges have been thrown out of court (including this very case), the likelihood of success of this appeal may be a bit brighter because of the man who was recently re-elected as the chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court – Judge Roy Moore.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

World Net Daily reports that “The case becomes all the more intriguing because Moore is on record previously questioning Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve as president.”

The participation of Sheriff Arpaio and Judge Moore in the case may prove to be the perfect storm of personality and pugnacity – and more importantly, compelling evidence – against

This article originally appeared on : Prison Planet