The Ongoing Propaganda War Behind GMOs Exposed

The United States has been paying farmers for over two decades to NOT produce food, yet biotech would have us believe that genetically modified organisms are necessary to feed the world. This is but one of the many lies they have perpetrated, all the while hiding the real truth behind GM crops. Genetically modified organisms and the chemicals which support their growth are just an outcropping of the military industrial complex and the war industry.

The truth is that there is more than enough food in the world to feed every single person, even if organic crops didn’t produce a greater yield. (Arguably, they do.) We already throw away more than 133 billion pounds of food every year. Food losses and waste amounts to roughly $680 billion in industrialized countries and $310 billion in developing countries.

The problem isn’t food production, it is food distribution. So this is an argument that should be put to rest once and for all. This remains the truth, even though Monsanto and Dow, et al., will tell you that biotech is needed so the world won’t starve as populations increase. Many parts of the world are already starving, and it has nothing to do with crop yields. It has to do with corporate greed.

Monsanto will also tell you that, “The GM traits we develop typically help farmers increase yields on their farmland, while conserving resources such as soil and water.” Getting lost in arguments over whether or not GMOs are ‘safe’ or organic food is healthier is important, but these debates lose sight of the most appalling truth that many should know as we move forward to fight companies like Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, and the food manufacturers who support them (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Kraft, General Mills, etc.)

Biotech’s Toxic History

The genetically modified model of agribusiness came straight out of the development of nerve gas used in World War II. The first modern synthetic chemical pesticides were derived from Nazi intelligence. By simply changing the molecules slightly, the greatest toxicity could be harnessed to kill ‘pests’ instead of humans.

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