Jimmy Fallon and Bruce Springsteen teamed up last night for a brilliant spoof of Springsteen’s ‘Born to Run’ that took direct aim at “Governor Chris Christie’s Fort Lee, New Jersey traffic jam.” In fact those words were the refrain–the point being that although the singers were ‘born to run,’ they can’t because they’re stuck in Christie-induced traffic.
Lots of brilliant lyrics, “the highway is jammed with pissed-off drivers,” and “Maybe this Bridgegate was just payback, it’s a bitch-slap to the state democrats.” The boss has to “take a leak,” but he can’t, being stuck in traffic and all. Fallon’s imitation of Springsteen is spot on. Spirngsteen’s imitation of Springsteen is spot on. Poor Chris Christie. Imagine his dismay at being lampooned by his rock ‘n’ roll idol.
Take a look. It’s not to be missed.
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Source: Alternet