I wrote in 2010 that so-called “Obamacare” is economic fascism because it dictatorially transfers $100 billion to $300 billion every year from the 99% to 1% so-called “health care” oligarchs, according to every cost-benefit analysis compared to single-payer universal health care that I could find. “Obamacare” is also criminal fraud by US government so-called “leaders” because they have legal fiduciary responsibility to fully communicate options in trust of public money.
OBVIOUSLY, failure to communicate annual savings of $100 billion to $300 billion while transferring this to 1% oligarchs points to massive crime.
Moreover, stories that point to tragic-comic cost increases and cancellations strengthen the case for criminal investigation of financial gains from government insiders at the expense of the public they’re sworn to serve.
A related problem is the cartel of pharmaceutical companies colluding with our government “leaders” for padded industry profits. Dr. Marcia Angell, former Editor in Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and currently a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Medical School documents:
The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion).
Dr. Angell concludes that US government will never provide universal health care because both political parties’ “leadership” obeys health insurance companies’ lobbyists rather than legislate for the public good.
This is just one detail of ~100 crucially important areas where the 99% are being harmed and plundered. These “policies of public service” will continue until critical mass of the 99% evoke demand to arrest these OBVIOUS criminals.
As I’ve argued, perhaps the easiest cases for criminality is in their unlawful Wars of Aggression all based on known lies as they were told, what we use for money that only and always increases the 99%’s debt, and “covering” these crimes by corporate media.
And as I’ve asked, if you have a better path to end these crimes than demanding arrests of their “leaders,” now’s the time to act.
Source: Global Research