Mayor of Watford Fears Violence at Bilderberg 2013

Ben Endley
Watford Observer
May 11, 2013

Watford’s elected mayor, Dorothy Thornhill, said she had mixed feelings about whether the summit was a good thing for the town.

She said: “I have my concerns about it because it does attract people who can and do cause violence and disturbance.

“But I am confident the police will be able to minimise that and give them their right to protest.

“I am ambivalent about whether this is a good thing. It’s potentially a positive thing as long as things don’t kick off.

“I am concerned about the use of police resource but it is very good The Grove has been deemed a prestigious enough venue.”

Full story here.



This article was posted: Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 7:26 am


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