Lauryn Hill Blames Slavery, Economic Conspiracy as She’s Jailed for $500,000 Unpaid Tax Bill

Dominic Gover
IB Times
May 7, 2013

Photo by Daigo Oliva, via Wikimedia Commons

Fugees singer [Lauren] Hill, 37, was sentenced to three months’ jail followed by three months’ home confinement for failing to pay $500,000 to the taxman in the United States.

[…] Hill pleaded guilty to charges of tax evasion last year. Her lawyers said she had paid more than $970,000 of an outstanding tax bill which amounted to more than $2m.

[…] During her trial, Hill was ordered by the judge in Newark, New Jersey to undergo counselling because of her conspiracy theories — including that artists are being oppressed by a plot involving the military and media.

[…] She told the court: “I am a child of former slaves who had a system imposed on them. I had an economic system imposed on me.”

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