Latest On Benghazi: Continual Live Updates


May 8, 2013

Oath Keepers Founder Attending Benghazi Hearing in DC Today and at Boston Bombing Hearing Tomorrow

Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes is in DC and is attending the House Benghazi Hearings today, where three key witnesses will testify. Also attending are Richard Frye and Jeff Lewis of Patriot Coalition.


As the founder and President of Oath Keepers, a national organization of current serving military, police, and first responders, as well as veterans, all dedicated to defending our Constitution, I felt compelled to be here in support of those who kept their oaths and to demand accountability from those who failed to support them.

It is now looking like they (including Obama himself) intentionally and callously withheld crucial military support, watched good men die on their screens, and then punished and purged those who tried to help them.

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Fourth Benghazi witness gagged by red tape

Obama administration officials are finally letting the attorney for a Benghazi whistle-blower get a security clearance – but the clearance is at such a low level that it will probably slow the congressional probe of how the administration handled last year’s terrorist attack on the embassy in Benghazi, Libya.

Victoria Toensing represents an unnamed government official who can help explain the reaction of top government officials to the jihadi attack on the U.S diplomatic site in Benghazi and killed four Americans last Sept. 11.

The official may also be able to explain if officials rewrote intelligence reports and took other actions to minimize media coverage of the administration’s errors and the perceived role of Al Qaeda jihadis.

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The Benghazi Scandal Is Not Like Watergate—It’s Worse

It’s clear that the Benghazi scandal is not like Watergate. It’s worse. While there are many similarities in process, e.g. possible cover-up, stonewalling, etc., as far as we know no one died in the Watergate scandal. So as I await the hearing in about one hour from now, my interest is in process. And it takes the form in the following questions–I believe–need answers:

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Benghazi victim’s mother tells CNN she blames Hillary Clinton for her son’s death

The mother of one of the four Americans killed in the September 11, 2012 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya told CNN’s Jake Tapper that she blames former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her son’s death.

Pat Smith’s son, State Department Information Officer Sean

This article originally appeared on : Prison Planet