End the corporate hypocrisy on GMOs!

Planet Infowars
September 13, 2013

You have the right to know what you’re eating. Yet major companies are spending millions to fight GMO labeling initiatives that more than 90 percent of Americans support — while claiming that they’re telling us everything we need to know about their products.

Once again, giant chemical and biotech seed companies are teaming up with junk food companies to deny us our right to know what’s in our food! It’s time to call out Monsanto, Pepsi, Kraft, General Mills, Kellogg’s, DuPont and 60 other major companies on their hypocrisy. They already label their products in 64 other countries around the world, why not America?

Last year they spent $46 million to defeat Prop 37, this year, they’re hiding behind the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) to try to do the same in Washington.

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