Are children being zombified?


Michael A. Bedar, MA
Natural News
May 10, 2013

(NaturalNews) A conscious parent may be described as one who would like to raise a child who is fully alive to their choices to live free, intelligent, healthy lives, in tune with themselves and connected to nature.

Compare that conscious parental aspiration to these proven facts about behavior in youth in relation to using and viewing media:

  • Heavy media use causes worsening grades and less contentment
  • Viewing violence can lead to antisocial behavior
  • Watching certain rap videos can cause higher incidence of drinking and drugs
  • Watching certain videos leads kids to drink earlier

This powerful infographic, “The Repercussions of Growing Up on Screens,” from Healing the World, Healing Ourselves tells more in a colorful way.

Vigilance against the zombie-war on children

Children of any age can succumb to the forces of “zombification.” Zombifying factors on the loose include glorification of addiction, vaccines, propaganda-filled education, pesticides, overmedication, and of course, the mind-hooking programming of the media, which children and youth view and use for 7 to 10 hours per day!

Just recently, for example, professional basketball announcers across the country promoted how “cool” it is to be a “zombie.” Nationwide, broadcasters described the Boston Celtics, who had just won an elimination game, as “zombies” who the New York Knicks “just couldn’t bury.” The seeds were planted for how “cool” it is to be in a state of the living-dead, in a semi-waking sleep. In a “cool minute,” the media had produced more zombie-slaves in the next generation.

Alternately, what type of media could lift up our children’s consciousness, strengthen their life-force which is eternally under attack, and support their sovereignty, inspiring self-knowledge, health, and connection to nature?

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Discover a revolutionary new dance video

Aaron Ableman is an acclaimed entertainer and visionary behind Heal the World, Heal Ourselves, a platform seeking an increase of positive entertainment alternatives for children and families. With the backing of hundreds of major orgs and celebs (including one of the campaign supporters being the company that brought us “Food Fight”, reviewed by Mike Adams here), Ableman has led the creation of a showcase video called“I Heart Nature.“See this amazing new video onYOUTUBE.

Ableman says, “Unprecedented child and youth media consumption influences mass behavior is causing a myriad of health, social, and environmental crises. Children’s behavior isdisproportionatelyinfluenced by popular media like music and television. We’ve

This article originally appeared on : Prison Planet