71% of Cypriots Say Parliament Should Reject Bailout

With President Anastasiades concluding his remarks, Cypriot public opinion, as it has changed over the first critical 24 hours after yesterday’s Eurogroup decision, are recorded in a survey conducted by the Insight Market Research (IMR) agency at the University of Nicosia. The survey shows that the first reaction of Cypriots can be characterized as anything but positive with 71% believing the the House should reject the deposit haircut imposition and a full 73% believe that President Anastasiadis and the Cypriot delegation “failed to secure a good deal.” 72% believe that depositors below EUR100,000 should not be affected at all but 62% believe Cyprus should stay in the Euro. Begging the question, when’s the next Cypriot election?

Chart: SigmaLive

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