Toxic Chemicals – PR Nightmare

Photo by Mark | CC BY 2.0

A recent unidentified White House staff email referred to a still-pending federal study on chemicals as “a public relations nightmare.” (Source: Annie Snider, EPA Move On Chemical Study May Trip Up Pruitt, Politico, May 16, 2018)

People do not grasp the depth and extent of toxicity throughout the country because, if they did, they’d be in the streets banging pots and pans in front of the con job White House as well as in front of the ultra-feeble bootlicking Congress.

Here’s why they’d be in the streets, angry, indignant, pissed-off: “Humans emit more than 250 billion tonnes of chemical substances a year, in a toxic avalanche that is harming people and life everywhere on the planet.” (Source: Scientists Categorize Earth as a Toxic Planet, Phys Org, February 7th 2017).

Making matters worse, and the reason why the public should kick and scream now: Scott Pruitt heads the EPA. And worse yet, only a small fraction of chemicals are analyzed for harmful human toxicity. Insanity? Yes!

Earth is categorized as a “toxic planet” by scientists, not by people in the streets. Problem is the toxicity takes effect i.e., harms bodily organs, over time, not instantaneously, eventually flaring up as one of several chronic diseases, like heart disease or Alzheimer’s, but usually considered a “life style” disease. But, maybe, just maybe “life style” is the wrong target? How about extensively poisoned ecosystem-crushing life…

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