“They Wanted To Get Me Out Of The Way”

Zero Hedge
September 19, 2018

Remember when Huma Abedin openly wept in the streets of New York the morning after Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump? We learned last night from Hillary Clinton’s appearance on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that it was actually Vladimir Putin personally responsible for that scene and those tears, not a national election.

Those were Putin-induced tears on the streets of New York

This is what two years of 24/7 media ‘Russiagate’ hysteria and the relentless pursuit of a “narrative” have brought us. And where better for Clinton to speak of the grand Russian conspiracy that shook the very foundations of the Republic than Queen Conspiracy Theorist Rachel I-see-a-Russia-Connection-Lurking-Behind-Every-Corner Maddow?

Who would have thought there was really no need for a whole book penned by Hillary over why she lost called What Happened?… Well she did just write a new Afterward wherein she questions the “legitimacy of our elections”.

And here it is — the peak ‘Russiagate’ moment for the history books…

“I think I was an obstacle to [Russia’s] plans to undermine and disrupt our democracy. I think I was an obstacle to impose greater authoritarian control in Russia… I think they wanted to get me out of the way,” Clinton told Maddow in the Tuesday night interview.

Clinton further said she believes she is a “small part of the puzzle,” and that it’s worth asking, “why did they want to get me out of the way?

She continued on Russia and the 2016 election.: “I do believe that we’re finding it more about how they…

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