‘Orchestrators of Attack on Skripals Aimed to Point at Russians’ – Finnish MP

Tom Packalen, member of the Finnish parliament from the party “True Finns” doubts Russia’s complicity in the nerve gas attack in the British town of Salisbury and slams the Finnish authorities’ decision to expel a Russian diplomat, his blog on the website Uusi Suomi reads.

“I don’t really think that Russia is complicit in using the poisoning substances in Salisbury….Russia has no motives to do that. I can hardly imagine Russians embarking on something like that, which would lead to serious consequences for Russia and which point directly at them… The orchestrators of the attack aimed to point at Russians,” the MP stated.

Meanwhile, the poisoning plays into other countries’ hands, he pointed out.

“Great Britain is winning from this situation. Britons have been in the European spotlight due to Brexit. Now Europeans have shifted their attention to Russia. If anyone feels like debating the tough conditions of Brexit, they will presumably be considered a UK’s enemy.”

“Also, the situation is useful for Ukraine. It wants to resume or enforce the sanctions against Russia,” Packalen noted.

It is important to thoroughly study the presented evidence before taking action.

“The Western legal system frequently presupposes the assumption of innocence as long as the case is unclear. The facts which have so far been laid out do not convince me of Russia’s guilt and I think Finland’s decision to expel a diplomat is quite silly,” the MP wrote.

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