Deadly Smoke, Deadly Meat, Deadly Deals – America was Named by Whites for the Taking

Portland’s Smokey Haze, Canada’s Fires — A Clear Day May Never Be Coming in a Decade

You Consume Fear: Then You are What you Eat!

Endless ignorance, presaged by fear, hate, suspicion, paranoia, misanthropy, and then all galvanized to the constructions of neutering culture of consumerism.

Fear for the typical American — one paycheck short on the rent, fines, threats of eviction, on the streets or in the car. America!  Fear of the mortgage floating into some variable interest rate hell. Fear of not having, not choosing, not getting. For Americans, possessing is the power they think they have wrested from the faulty system of governing and management. Anything, but especially a car/SUV/pick-up/boat/RV/motorcycle.

When a country is run by con men and con women (Epipen, male CEOs, female, CEOs – criminal minds, steal hearts) set on a course toward oblivion, contextualized by the greed of the arms dealers (almost all of America is in the business of war, crime fighting, prison management, selling invasions and propping up lunacy of resource stealing, all facilitated by arms – you name it, Burger King or Halliburton, Blackwater or Booz Allen Hamilton) and ramified by the insanity of the majority – 80 plus percent of us – being screwed by the uber rich, the elite managing their trillions, and the sycophants and little Eichmann’s toeing the controllers’ line, well, then that country – USA/USIsrael — is nothing more than a jumble of disenfranchisement, a…

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