‘Come and Take It’ Girl Changes All Apple Store Devices to Show Infowars.com to Protest Censorship

It would be horrible if this happened nationwide

Paul Joseph Watson
August 17, 2018


The ‘come and take it’ girl who enraged leftists by open carrying on campus changed all devices at an Apple store to show Infowars.com in protest against the company’s censorship of Alex Jones.

Apple led the purge of Infowars on Sunday August 5th, when Tim Cook personally made the decision to pull Infowars podcasts from iTunes.

This then led to a cascade of Big Tech giants purging Alex Jones and Infowars content from the Internet.

Gun rights activist Kaitlin Bennett, who made headlines back in May when she posed at the graduation ceremony with an AR-10 rifle on the campus of Kent State University, decided to protest the censorship by making some changes at her local Apple store.

“So I heard that Apple banned Alex Jones and Infowars from their iTunes store,” said Bennett, adding, “We just wanted to leave them with a little gift.”

The clip then shows four Apple laptops changed to show the home page of Infowars.com and a iPad which then begins playing the Alex Jones Show.

Since this behavior is perfectly legal, so long as no products are damaged and it is done peacefully without disturbing other people, Infowars encourages Americans across the country to express their views in a similar manner and post the video online.

Meanwhile, Bennett plans to return to Kent State on September 29th for an open carry rally.

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