OK Trachtenberg, should I apply the same logic, and blame you for giving you a smack in the face for talking such claptrap?
Oh. Hmm. Don’t worry kids, I abhor violence in all its forms.
But seriously, ‘train’ women, like dogs? What planet are you on mate, or what bloody century do you live in?
David Edwards
A Fox News panel on Wednesday agreed that women needed to take “personal responsibility” for avoiding rape by not drinking too much.
During an interview with WAMU’s Diane Rehm Show last week, former George Washington University President Stephen Joel Trachtenberg argued that women should be “trained not to drink in excess” so they could “be in a position to punch the guys in the nose if they misbehave.”
Trachtenberg later insisted that he was not “trying to shift blame” to the victim.
On Thursday’s edition of Outnumbered, Fox News host Jedediah Bila asked guest host Lou Dobbs if there was anything controversial about what Trachtenberg had said.
“I don’t think so,” Dobbs said. “As a father of two sons, two daughters, I will tell you, the last thing you want is any child – a boy, a girl, it doesn’t matter – to be defenseless. And if you don’t teach your kids and pray that they learn to never, ever take on additional vulnerability to everyday life in this society, why should there be anything controversial about it?”