The British government is under mounting pressure to do more to save the vulnerable people trying to flee Europe from conflict zones in the Middle East and some African countries.
Lawmakers from across the party line, except anti-migrant UK Independence Party, called on Prime Minister, David Cameron to reverse his stance on the crisis and take in more of the many thousand refugees currently stuck on borders and crowded camps in Eastern Europe. “The UK should accept thousands, not hundreds of people”, MP David Burrowes said.
Johnny Mercer and Jeremy Lefroy, two other MPs highlighted the suffering of the asylum seekers. Mercer said that there are many mothers who try to keep their children afloat on life jackets to reach to Europe. And, Lefroy said he believes the UK should accommodate more refugees while making efforts to tackle the causes of the crisis.
The strongest call came from Baroness Warsi, ex-Tory party chairman and former Foreign Office minister who said Britain could do more in response to the unfolding crisis. “Britain had a long and proud tradition of helping in times of crisis”. She said that Britain should show generosity like the 1930s when it allowed thousands fleeing persecution in Europe.