Former Obama drug policy adviser warns of backlash against law change

Stephen C. Webster, RAW Story |

The Obama administration will not just sit by and watch as up to three states attempt to implement laws legalizing marijuana, one of the president’s former senior drug policy advisers predicted Sunday.

Officially, the Obama administration hasn’t said how it will react if three states legalize marijuana this week, but Dr. Kevin A. Sabet, who spent three years as a senior adviser to Obama’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, thinks he knows.

Speaking to NBC News for a report published Sunday, Sabet warned that voters in Colorado, Washington and Oregon may just bring fire and brimstone down on their heads if they vote for ballot measures that would legalize marijuana under state law.

The Obama administration will not just sit by and watch as up to three states attempt to implement laws legalizing marijuana, one of the president’s former senior drug policy advisers predicted Sunday.

Officially, the Obama administration hasn’t said how it will react if three states legalize marijuana this week, but Dr. Kevin A. Sabet, who spent three years as a senior adviser to Obama’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, thinks he knows.

Speaking to NBC News for a report published Sunday, Sabet warned that voters in Colorado, Washington and Oregon may just bring fire and brimstone down on their heads if they vote for ballot measures that would legalize marijuana under state law.

Supporters also point to similar data that shows teenage drug use went down in Colorado after the state legalized medical marijuana, arguing that requiring an identification to buy the drug is a more effective control than outright prohibition.

Whether any of these arguments will be enough to sway voters remains anyone’s guess, but with only two days remaining before the election, it won’t be long before we find out.