The Anti-Crimean Pogrom that Sparked Crimea’s Breakaway

Eric Zuesse


Here is a description of the “Korsun Pogrom” or “Korsun Massacre”: the 20 February 2014 event that sparked Crimea’s breakaway from Ukraine:



Here is a 25-minute documentary about it, dated 14 August 2014:

It’s also here:



Here is a chaotic 19 minutes of video footage showing the massacre from a distance (silent for its opening 2:20):

Some of its scenes ended up being included in the documentary, #2.


And here are some scenes from the documentary (#2 above):Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 5.25.12 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 5.28.13 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 5.33.19 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 5.34.11 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.19.24 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.24.14 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.25.35 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.26.59 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.30.14 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.31.07 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.34.48 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.36.00 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.37.11 PM


Obama then imposed economic sanctions against Russia, for “Russia’s aggression.”

Obama’s only statement of what “Russia’s aggression” consisted of, that has been even as lengthy as moderately brief – since he has never presented it at any more length – was his interview with Fareed Zacaria of CNN on 1 February 2015, which happened to be a statement given just three days short of the first anniversary of his agent’s, Victoria Nuland’s, having selected, on 4 February 2014, whom the next leader of Ukraine would be; it would be Arseniy Yatsenyuk (she called him “Yats”), as soon as the democratically elected and sitting Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, would become overthrown, which happened 18 days later, on 22 February 2014. (It was nothing like Czechoslovakia’s “Velvet Revolution”. This wasn’t democratic; it was a coup.) Obama seized Ukraine, and blamed Putin for “aggression” against Crimea – a “conquest of land.”

Obama said there, in this CNN interview, that the reason for the sanctions against Russia was that, 

“since Mr. Putin made this decision around Crimea and Ukraine  not because of some grand strategy, but essentially because he was caught off-balance by the protests in the Maidan and Yanukovych then fleeing after we had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine  since that time, this improvisation that he’s been doing has getting  has gotten him deeper and deeper into a situation that is a violation of international law, that violates the integrity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, has isolated Russia diplomatically, has made Europe wary of doing business with Russia, has allowed the imposition of sanctions that are crippling Russia’s economy at a time when their oil revenues are dropping. There’s no formula in which this ends up being good for Russia. The annexation of Crimea is a cost, not a benefit, to Russia. The days in which conquest of land somehow was a formula for great nation status is over.”

So, that’s how Americans learned about what caused Russia’s “conquest of land,” to seek “great nation status,” and Russia’s consequent punishment for “Russia’s aggression.”


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.