Eric Zuesse
Senate Bill S. 2277 is sponsored by 26 Republicans and no Democrats, and it would give President Obama the virtually unlimited authority to take U.S. to war against Russia in defense of the Ukrainian Government that Obama’s February 2014 coup established in Ukraine, the government that’s controlled by a coalition of one fascist party and two nazi (or racist-fascist) parties in northwest Ukraine. (Southeast Ukraine isn’t represented in the coalition; southeast Ukraine had voted overwhelmingly — and you can see the exact percentages here — for the President that Obama’s coup toppled in February 2014.)
Paul Roderick Gregory headlined at the Forbes site on October 10th, “A Republican Senate Can Help Send U.S. Weapons to Ukraine,” and he condemned Obama for backing off on Ukraine, and said:
“I recently gave five compelling reasons for U.S. lethal aid to Ukraine, and I explained why inaction on Ukraine threatens the destruction of NATO as we know it. The American establishment elite have increasingly concluded the same: that we must give Ukraine the means to defend itself against Russian aggression. Add former defense secretary and CIA head, Leon Panetta, to a long list of diplomats (Mike McFaul, Strobe Talbot), generals (Martin Dempsey, Philip Breedlove et al.), congressmen and senators (Ben Nelson, Sander Levin, Jim Gerlach, Gerland Connoly, Robert Menendez, Bob Corker, to name just a few) who disagree with the president on Ukraine.”
The regime that Obama imposed on Ukraine, after his coup, is heavily racist-fascist, or nazi. Here are the Obama-coup-regime’s supporters, and you can see their nazi symbols and Hitlerite militarism, which is based upon the pro-Nazi movement in Ukraine during World War II, the movement that had supported the Babi Yar massacre of Jews and that is even more passionately hostile toward ethnic Russians than toward Jews. And here you see these people proudly mass-murdering ethnic Russians, whom they hate — just trying to kill as many of the residents there as they can. Obama needs that done because the people in this region, southeastern Ukraine, had (as that map shows) voted over 90% for the man whom Obama’s mercenaries had overthrown on 22 February 2014. If they remain alive, and inside Ukraine, then Obama’s imposed leaders won’t survive any election that’s held throughout all regions of Ukraine. This is why the Obama regime in Ukraine has been massacring the residents in the ethnic-Russian areas in Ukraine’s southeast. The United States has sponsored this ethnic-cleansing operation in order to mass-murder the residents in Ukraine’s southeast, precisely so as to get rid of them. This statement is not hyperbole: Barack Obama is the very first President in U.S. history who has installed, in any foreign nation, a nazi, or racist-fascist, regime. As you can see, their most devoted battalions don’t even try to hide it: some of them proudly display their pictures of Hitler, even though they are Ukrainians, not Germans, themselves. These are the most devoted troops in Ukraine, on Obama’s side in the civil war that Obama caused. But congressional Republicans want him to give the matter even higher priority, and more resources, than he now is.
Furthermore, NATO has been gearing up for a nuclear war, a pre-emptive nuclear attack against Russia, supposedly to defend this new regime. But, actually, one of the main reasons for the overthrow was to establish in Ukraine a missile-base against Russia — it was to help prepare for our nuclear attack. Republicans in the Senate support our bringing Ukraine into NATO, which is the reason for this Republican bill, which is currently bottled up in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee but will become passed into law and signed by the President if Republicans win back control of the Senate in this year’s elections.
Although no Democrat has officially co-sponsored this bill, the leader of the Committee that is considering it is Democrat Robert Menendez, and he has very actively spoken and written in support of it; he just doesn’t have the guts publicly to come out as a Republican. He’s like Obama: he built his following among Democrats and cannot afford to go public with his extreme conservatism.
I have written a lot about Obama’s strategy, here and here and here, but a recent report at Global Research, by Professor Michael Chossudovsky, is even more alarming: “Dangerous Crossroads: US-NATO to Deploy Troops, Conduct Large Scale Naval Exercises against ‘Unnamed Enemy.'” He quotes the veteran writer on nuclear war, Steven Starr as saying, “Any US-Russian war is likely to quickly escalate into a nuclear war,” and Starr explains why this is a far more dangerous situation than any that existed during the Cold War, except possibly the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
Ironically, the only way that Obama can be restrained on this planned attack would be if the U.S. Senate remains under Democratic control, because Obama is pursuing here a longstanding Republican foreign policy, of asserting “nuclear supremacy,” to win a nuclear conflict against Russia (originally against the Soviet Union).
At present, this bill is considered extremely unlikely to pass in the Senate, but if Republicans take the Senate, then it almost certainly will pass next year, because both houses of Congress will then be controlled by the Republican Party.
Right now, President Obama wants to cool things in his Ukrainian civil war, because of the more-pressing and far more real threat to U.S. national security in the Middle East. But this lull in the Ukrainian conflict could turn out to be temporary if things become stabilized regarding ISIS.
So, if the Republicans win control of the U.S. Senate this November, then we’ll quite possibly have a nuclear war against Russia, because Republicans certainly want it, and so does Obama (and Senator Menendez), and Obama will therefore have the congressional funding to prepare the attack that both he and Republicans, and even at least one other ‘Democrat’ than Obama, apparently want and have been preparing.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.