Sunday, February 16, 2025
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We Can Be Great Again

Avoiding Russophobia: Candidate Clinton and many others during our recent election cycle seemed to be intent on blaming a series of evil deeds on Russian...

You Can Inadvertently Make things Worse

Many ardent dietary supplement users are aware there is a widespread deficiency of magnesium in the American diet.  Upon learning this they often visit...

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Is Dangerous

By Dr. Mercola Pregnant women were recently given new information in regard to optimizing their child’s health: Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin B12. A recent...

Our Gandalf the Grey

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people. The establishment has...

#Calexit secession effort begins signature gathering to be on California ballot

Supporters of Californian independence have taken the first real step towards secession from the US, submitting...

Crybaby Culture

By Taki Theodoracopulos Taki's Magazine November 21, 2016 NEW YORK—The only thing worse than a sore loser, I suppose, is a sore winner, but thank God...

Poor Darlings! First Brexit, Than Trump

Hailing 2016 the year of ‘two big political revolutions’ Nigel Farage said Angela Merkel and Barack Obama are ‘in denial’ over the public’s rejection of...

Obama’s Nonexistent Legacy

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at “Trump did more than any democrat to deflate the neocon/neoliberal agenda that liberals themselves screamed was fascist when Bush...

Hillary’s Rough Clientele

By James Mullin American Thinker November 19, 2016 If you’re a basketball player who has been entrusted with the task of intentionally throwing a game in...

JFK’s Intimate Confidant for Peace

Standard Podcast Play Now | Play in Popup | Download JFK’s Peace Speech American University Jun 1963 Earlier podcast 274. CIA Killers Transcript of CIA...

What’s Up With Trump?

Lew Rockwell returns to the show to discuss the election of Trump, the left’s reaction, early indications of where he might go, and dangers...

Filtering The Election

Introduction When the likes of Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Bashar al-Assad, and now Donald Trump, are declared the latest ‘New Hitler’, we learn little except...

A Place Without Music

Imagine you have a special talent for music; imagine with hard work and dedication and long hours you’ve become a skilled performer. Imagine that...

Why Are Public Officials Protecting the Pesticides Industry? Digging Down into the Cesspool of...

Colin Todhunter It is based on a cesspool of corruption that is most probably responsible for more death and disease than the combined efforts of...

A Bullet Fired at the Power Elite

In a column published here on April 25th, I wrote about Donald Trump’s recent speech in Buffalo.  At that time, Trump’s polling number against...

Cometh the Hangover

All right, we have him. My reaction to Trump’s victory is barely of interest to me, and so it may be that the world...

Tools of the Oligarchy

Who are the anti-Trump protesters besmirching the name of progressives by pretending to be progressives and by refusing to accept the outcome of the...

The 47% Who Voted for War Against Russia

Eric Zuesse Hillary Clinton on many occasions and consistently said that as President she would impose a no-fly zone over Syria, as she and President Obama had...

Eat Chocolate Every Day

Heart disease and diabetes risk may be reduced by eating chocolate every day. The key here is to consume a small piece of dark...

Flagship of Fearmongering: The Guardian, MI5 and State Propaganda

Readers of the Guardian woke up last Tuesday (November 1, 2016) to find that the newspaper and website had been given over to promoting...

Baking Cookies for Bill

By Gary North November 10, 2016 “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do...

One of the Oldest Myths of Mankind

Deadly tsunamis in the late Bronze Age may have been driven by lava flow By Shivali Best Daily Mail November 9, 2016 The legend of Atlantis is...

What Mises Would Say

Last week, Austria issued a 70-year bond, the longest dated sovereign in the Eurozone. (Italy had issued a 50-year bond on October 4.) Austria’s...

Is this person our new President?

Here’s Why Hillary Won’t Allow Her Corporate Speeches to be Published Eric Zuesse (update added 8 November 2016) In a previous report, I indicated "Why Hillary Clinton’s...

Middle East Madness

By Taki Theodoracopulos Taki's Magazine November 7, 2016 Sixty years ago this week all hell broke loose: Soviet tanks rumbled into Budapest and put down a...

Hillary Clinton’s Blitzkrieg Campaign: the Savage Politics of the Oligarchs

It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say. We need to win this motherfucker. —Mr. Scott Foval, Field Director, Americans United for...

U.S. Near Bottom in Public ‘Confidence in Elections’

Only Mexico Scores Lower Among OECD Countries Eric Zuesse Here are the figures, as emailed by Gallup on November 2nd, and soon to be published as...

Poverty Rose in 96% of U.S. House Districts, During Obama’s Presidency

Eric Zuesse On November 3rd, Morning Consult’s Jon Reid bannered, "Poverty on the Rise in Nearly All House Districts” and he reported that, "A Brookings Institution...

Making the Rich Pay

Pulling the lever to tax the 1% is about as satisfying as voting gets. In three states next week, voters can thank...

The Looters vs. the Looted

From the conclusion of my earlier post on the topic: It is the state against the people; it is the stakeholders against the subjects. Significant power...

No Matter Who’s Prez

By Laurence M. Vance November 2, 2016 Although the Libertarian Party has virtually no chance of winning any presidential election, the presidential campaign of any...

Prison Labor is Slavery by Another Name

Right now there’s a national movement mobilizing to raise the federal minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour. But imagine if...

Respect for police among Americans surges to highs not seen since late '60s

Americans’ respect for police has reached its highest since the late 1960s, a new poll has...

How the 2004 Presidential Election Was Stolen by George W. Bush

Eric Zuesse (RINF) - In 2006, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. headlined at Rolling Stone “Was the 2004 Election Stolen?” and he presented an argument that...

Can You Really Trust ‘Establishment-Controlled’ Election Polls?

(RINF) - Some of these polls are going to turn out to be dead wrong.  With just over two weeks to go until election...

Billboard in Texas Encourages Women to 'Get a Sugar Daddy'

The advertisement hints undocumented immigrants should join the dating site to avoid deportation. The sign reads, "Undocumented Immigrant? Before You Get...

An Email From Lynn Forester de Rothschild to Hillary Clinton, Against Elizabeth Warren

Eric Zuesse ---------- Forwarded message —————  From: Lynn Forester de Rothschild  <<>>  Date: Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 7:15 PM  Subject: FW: Elizabeth Warren To: "Cheryl Mills (<>)"  <<>>    I think this...

Prop. 51 Versus a State-Owned Bank: How California Can Save $10 Billion on...

(RINF) - School districts are notoriously short of funding – so short that some California districts have succumbed to Capital Appreciation Bonds that will cost...

Drowning In Debt: 35 Percent Of All Americans Have Debt That Is At Least...

(RINF) - More than a third of all Americans can’t pay their debts.  I don’t know about you, but to me that is a...

A Rigged System?

Photo by Paul Sableman | CC BY 2.0 At the risk of validating anything uttered by the misogynistic, xenophobic, racist demagogue, Donald Trump, anyone with...


I have to admit to being alternately puzzled and depressed that I seemed to be the only libertarian with a major public...

Totally Private, Tax-Free Gold Storage?

In the last few days, gold has been on a losing streak. Last Tuesday, gold prices fell by $42 per ounce – 3.3% –...

The Great Libya War Fraud

National newspapers were ‘unimpressed by Jeremy Corbyn’s victory’ in the Labour leadership election, Roy Greenslade noted in the Guardian, surprising no-one. Corbyn secured almost...

5 Insanities of Hillary

Given the strong link between leadership and psychopathy, questioning the sanity of our future leaders might not be so preposterous. One study, for example,...

Millennial Student Loan Debt October 7, 2016 There are currently about 54 million millennials entering the workforce in the US, and for many of them, the idea of buying...

Why Are Billionaires Backing Hillary And Icing Trump?

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at No U.S. Presidential candidate since William McKinley in 1896 has received as nearly-unanimous financial backing from America’s wealthiest 0.01%...

I’m a Bernie Sanders Voter: Here’s Why I’ll Vote Trump

By Eric Zuesse Sometimes, things in politics are the opposite of the way they seem. The Presidential contest between the ‘liberal’ Hillary Clinton’ and the...

On the Edge of a Black Hole

The world economy is now at its most dangerous point in history. In virtually every major country or region, there are problems of a...

Socialism’s Dilemma

The most important quality in politics is ideology – the set of values you hold to be both right, and good. The British Tory...

Letter from CounterPunch Business Manager 2016

Dear CounterPunchers, Some of our charter members are still with us, but many of our current readers might not remember CounterPunch’s humble beginning as an...

US Propaganda Goes into Overdrive

Over the weekend the Western press is blasting Russia and Syria for alleged war crimes in their assault on the terrorist controlled part of...

Please Smoke

The hangperson’s noose is unmistakably around the tobacco industry’s neck. In Florida and Mississippi, state governments are attempting to force tobacco companies to pay...

Clinton, Trump, and the Death of Idealism

Image by DonkeyHotey | CC BY 2.0   My first introduction to Donald Trump as a public figure took place in the early 1990s. At the...

Majority of Americans say US ‘less safe’ from domestic terrorism under Obama – poll

The majority of Americans – 51% – feel that President Barack Obama’s conduct has made the...

Why the Middle Class is Dying

OUZILLY, France – First, some travel advice… A niece was visiting from North Carolina. She left this morning for Paris. We warned her, “Paris is the...

ISIS Fleeing Shirqat; 65 Killed in Iraq

According to residents of Mosul, Islamic State militants have been readying for eventual battle with Iraqi forces. Among various preparations, ISIS/Daesh has been digging tunnels and moats,...

Republicans Issue Good News About Obamacare

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at To Republicans, good news about Obamacare (the American President’s ‘legacy’ healthcare-reform program, called officially “The Affordable Care Act”) is...

U.S. Public Don’t Care if Politicians Lie

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Everybody knows that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are inveterate liars; but, do Americans really care? The vast...

I Am a Syrian Living in Syria

Two years ago, “Majd” wrote these words in a Facebook posting: “ I am Syrian… living in Syria in the middle of everything. We have seen...

What’s Behind the Latest Government Scam

“The fact is that the government, like a highwayman, says to a man: Your money, or your life. And many, if not most, taxes...

Every Journalist Mourns a Dead Journalist

Noé Zavaleta holds up photographs of his murdered colleague, photojournalist Rubén Espinosa, in Xalapa, on July 31, 2016. (Photo by Patrick Timmons) Noé Zavaleta is...

Menwith Menace: Britain’s Complicity In Saudi Arabia’s Terror Campaign Against Yemen

The ‘mainstream’ Western media is, almost by definition, the last place to consult for honest reporting of Western crimes. Consider the appalling case of...

Our Post-September 11 Fifteen Years’ War

(Photo: DVIDSHUB / Flickr) On the morning of September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda launched its four-plane air force against the United States. On board were its...

45 Killed in Iraq; More U.S. Troops Arrive

45 Killed in Iraq; More U.S. Troops Arrive More than 400 additional U.S. servicemembers were deployed to Iraq in the last week,...

19 Things We Know About 9/11

By Jeff Clyburn Who.What.Why. September 9, 2016 Years of willful deception, the sands of time, and simple neglect all tend to cloud our perception of the...

EpiPen fallout: Clinton vows to hold drug makers 'accountable' with oversight board

Amid uproar over a 500-percent price increase for allergy treatment EpiPen, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says...

Hitchcock’s Masterpiece of Suspense

Alfred Hitchcock taught us all the dangers of spying on your neighbors with his 1954 thriller,Rear Window. The single-set movie concerns L.B. “Jeff” Jefferies,...

Hillary and the Clinton Foundation: Exemplars of America’s Political Rot

Hillary Clinton may be enjoying a comfortable lead in national polls, but she is far from enjoying a comfortable night’s sleep given the ever-widening...

The ADHD Epidemic: Smart Drugs and the Control of Bodies and Minds

(Photo: Erich Ferdinand; Edited: LW / TO) This is an excerpt from Scripted Bodies: Corporate Power, Smart Technologies, and the Undoing of Public Education (Routledge...

The Yankee Empire

Every society has a segment of its population that obsesses over totalitarian control of others.  They are called “politicians” or “political activists.”  (There are...

It Is Bettter to Light One Candle than to Curse the Darkness

The world is in bad shape. Every reasonably intelligent, aware, objective person in the world knows, if only intuitively, that something is very, very...

U.S. Invades Syria, And Warns Russia

Eric Zuesse On Monday, August 22nd, the United States government — which demands the overthrow of the internationally-recognized-as-legal government of Syria — officially announced that...

Could Trump Hurt Both Parties?

Hillary Clinton, Queen of Chaos, Queen of War, Golden Goldman Girl, for all practical purposes, is now the official bipartisan candidate of US neocons...

NZ migration spurs biggest-ever population increase

New Zealand has had it's biggest ever annual population increase, with figures doubling on the previous year. The population grew by 97,000...

Media’s Mix-Up of ISIS Branches Fuels ISIS’s Terrorism

The global string of terrorist attacks linked to the Islamic State has broadened the War on Terror’s debate over the...

The Need to Rid the World of Inequality

Legalized chattel slavery did not die out because it was an abhorrent system but because the system of wage labour and debt money offered...

Never a Dull Moment

Murray Rothbard was a true polymath. He wasn’t just the number one theoretician of the modern libertarian movement — author of the monumental Man,...

Opposing the Discrimination of the JNF

Imagine during Jim Crow a Canadian political party polled its members about pressing Ottawa to stop subsidizing US racism only to be smeared by...

Revealing the Real Rate of Inflation

The grim reality is that real inflation is 7+% per year. This week, I’ve noted that Consumer Prices Have Soared 160% Since 2001while under-the-radar declines...

The Burrito Index

Our real-world experience tells us the official inflation rate doesn’t reflect the actual cost increases of everything from burritos to healthcare. In our household, we...

Russia Scholar Stephen Cohen vs. CNN Host Who Tries To Link Trump to Putin

Russian Scholar Stephen Cohen says Donald Trump is being wrongly linked to Putin and criticized because he’s trying to end the new Cold War. ...

Central Banks Will Create an Historic Gold Rush

The central banks are leading the world into a black hole and have no idea what a disaster they have created. What initially seemed...

‘America is great because it’s good:’ Clinton mixes Sanders’ ideas with some sweet words

It was a speech full of Sanders-like Wall Street bashing and Trump ridicule. Something one would...

Hillary and Tim Kaine: a Match Made on Wall Street

Joseph Sohm |   Earlier this week, Bernie Sanders warned that Hillary Clinton’s eventual vice presidential pick must not be someone from the milieu of Wall Street...

Emigre Super Bloc Part 5 The Failed Turkish Coup – An Exploded View

Is Fethullah Gulen the feeble, kindly imam that mainstream media is making him out to be? Hardly. What this article will show is that...

Wall Street Angry that Trump Says Restore Glass-Steagall

Eric Zuesse On July 18th, Rob Nichols, the President of the American Bankers’ Association, which is controlled by the mega-banks, struck back against Republican Presidential...

The Dictatorship of the Lawyers

Let’s start with some stats. The District of Columbia has the densest concentration of lawyers in the world. If you factor in the fact...

Blacks, Cops, and a Sinking Economy

In Ethnic America, Thomas Sowell observes, “American pluralism was not an ideal with which people started but an accommodation to which they were eventually...

Helicopter Money

The Cleveland Fed’s Loretta Mester is a clueless apparatchik and Fed lifer, who joined the system in 1985 fresh out of Barnard and Princeton and has imbibed in...

New Zealand Street Names Deemed “Too White”

Jul 14, 2016 By Tough Love | The Dunedin City Council in New Zealand has come under fire for compiling a...

BLM leader DeRay lives in home owned by Soros’ Open Society board member

#BlackLivesMatter leader DeRay Mckesson may claim to be leading a grassroots revolution for racial and economic justice, but he has close connections...

This Europe isn’t MY Europe

Peter van Els The EU is a precarious subject these days. Both backers and detractors are subject to harsh criticism, and those wanting to leave...

Some Lessons in the History of War

Which only means “we” are doomed to repeat these…. I have begun to read a book that examines the history that led to the Great...

As US-Controlled NATO Plots

What we shouldn’t do now is inflame the situation further through saber-rattling and warmongering… Whoever believes that a symbolic tank parade on the alliance’s eastern...

Rockets Strike Iranian Dissident Camp; 135 Killed in Iraq

Camp Liberty, a former United States installation, came under a heavy rocket barrage on Sunday. It is unclear if the camp or nearby Baghdad International Airport was...


I enjoy a long view of history and what I see as its goal. In the big picture, as I see it, there are...

The Marks of a Psychopath

Are psychopaths trendy? Does saying “I have psychopathic tendencies” pass the dinner table test? Is this merely the latest debilitating condition to be reimagined...

What’s Fascism, Really?

Fascism: The Career of a Concept. By Paul E. Gottfried.  Northern Illinois University Press, 2016. Vii + 226 pages. Paul Gottfried’s immensely erudite survey of...

Killing Corbyn

The ‘Brexit’ referendum vote, split 52% to 48% in favour of leaving the European Union, has been exploited by the ‘mainstream’ media to launch...

Belgian councilman gets payback on Afghan man who groped his daughter

Siegfried Heylen, a member of Essen city council, in Belgium, punched an Afghani immigrant who sexually assaulted his 13 year old daughter,...

Searching for a ‘Responsible Adult’: ‘Is Brexit Good for Israel?’

After months of anticipation, the United Kingdom has decided to leave the European Union (EU). Although, the results were fairly close – 51.9% voted...

Why There Will Probably Be a Second Referendum on Brexit

Opinion, by Eric Zuesse PRELIMINARY Brexit (British exit from the European Union) would be a ferocious kidney-blow to the international aristocracy, the people (and their agents)...

May launches Tory leadership challenge, as Gove & Leadsom make surprise bids

Theresa May, Michael Gove and Andrea Leadsom have announced plans to run for leadership of...

Airstrikes near Fallujah Kill Hundreds; 285 Killed in Iraq

Airstrikes near Fallujah Kill Hundreds; 285 Killed in Iraq The United States has given Iraq a $2.7 billion dollar credit for the purchase...

The Ashcroft Poll – Is This Why Jeremy Corbyn Must Go?

By Rachel Bridgeland – Jeremy Corbyn is right to urge us to see through the media’s attempts to divide us. The media has encouraged...

Searching for a ‘Responsible Adult’: Is Brexit Good for Israel?

After months of anticipation, the United Kingdom has decided to leave the European Union (EU). Although, the results ...

Our 2nd Greatest Victory

The fall of the USSR was the greatest victory. It came in the final week of December 1991. Brexit came in less than one day. The...

California to vote on legalization of recreational marijuana after 600k signatures gathered

California residents will get to vote on the legalization of recreational cannabis this November after campaigners...

An Endless Cycle of Indecisive Wars

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Here’s an unavoidable fact: we are now in a Brexit world. We are seeing the first signs of a...

Has the Fracking Industry Already Won the 2016 Election?

The most recently available polls on national support for fracking show that 51 percent of Americans are opposed to it, versus only...

Is Water a Pollutant?

Water and carbon dioxide are life-giving chemical compounds. Life, on Earth, could not exist without these compounds. What else do they have in common?...

Donald Trump and America B

Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore (via Flickr) The voters vowed to take their revenge at the polls. They’d missed out on the country’s vaunted prosperity....

Here’s Why Hillary Won’t Allow Her Corporate Speeches to be Published

Eric Zuesse (update added 8 November 2016) In a previous report, I indicated "Why Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speeches Are Relevant”, but not what they contained. The...

Video: Financial Outlook: Market, currency questions rise after Brexit

On the markets, the pound went into freefall, reaching a record 30-year low. At one point it plunged by more than 11%. Panic also...

Here's What's the Matter With Kansas

Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas speaks at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, on February 28, 2015. (Photo:...

Michigan welfare recipients passing drug tests with flying colors

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is learning a lot about the drug habits of welfare recipients. After...

Death of a Bluegrass Pioneer

On June 23, Ralph Stanley died. He was 89. He was the last of the founders of bluegrass music. This is an American invention, named...

Brexit Wins!

The betting sites were wrong. The polls were wrong. The politicians were wrong. The last YouGov poll was 52 to 48 “remain” hours before the...

German politicians are discussing a bill to ban "sexist" advertising

German politicians are discussing a bill to ban sexist advertising in public spaces. However, most Germans have quite a calm attitude to the current...

Historic! Brexit is happening! Britain votes to leave European Union

'It was all about immigration'Here is the proof for that. Look at how Rotherham voted: Rotherham Votes 67.9% - 32.1% for Leave! ...

Are You Upper Middle Class?

What’s left unsaid is much of the upper middle class is prospering due to privileged positions that are increasingly at risk of disruption. What does...

Mass Exodus?

Last month, lawmakers in Massachusetts approved a constitutional amendment that will lead to the departure of many of the state’s wealthiest and most productive...

The Fairy Tale Of The “Self-Questioning” BBC

Last week, climate scientists warned that: Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 will shatter the symbolic barrier of 400 parts per million (ppm) this year and will...

Liberty & drug tests for all: Lawmaker seeks to drug screen the rich

While some lawmakers want to require drug screening and testing for welfare and other assistance program applicants, this idea has inspired one US congresswoman...

The 2016 Super Bloc Vote Part II Unleashing David vs the Russian Goliath

Voting blocs, smoting blocs, who gives a damn? I got bloc'd in traffic the other day! This is America and everybody has a “voting bloc!” What ya' didn't...

Counting the Crimes of the War on Terror

Nuna Mas, or “Never Again”: The official Argentine report on the crimes of the country’s “dirty war.” (Photo: Arte es disfrutar / Flickr) “The cold was terrible...

Are You Deficient?

For those of us who live busy lives it’s easy to just grab a coffee on our way to work, a bagel in our...

Planetary Doom?

On the eve of World War II, the United States was still mired in the Great Depression and found itself facing war on two...

Inside The Super Majority that Decide Election 2016 & War with Russia

How well the candidate from either party satisfies 7 questions from a particular group of people will determine who the President of the United...

Voters: 50 Percent Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

Voters: 50 Percent Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted Peter Van Buren, June 08, 2016 In a statement I...

‘Clinton’s private hedge fund’: Trump blasts Hillary's State Department days

During his victory speech Republican nominee-in-waiting Donald Trump called for GOP unity while accusing Hillary Clinton...

The Gathering Storm

“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden...

Despite Economic Growth, Middle-Income Americans Have Less Than They Did 40 Years Ago

(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout; Adapted: Adam; Daniel Kulinski)Over the past 40 years, the US economy has boomed. But what does that...

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump Are Symptoms of Creeping Caesarism

Democracies are finding themselves led by autocrats. (Photo: Gage Skidmore / Flickr Commons) ‘Charisma’ is usually what most people think of when recalling the German...

Clinton’s Vice President: A Match Made on Wall Street

Joseph Sohm | Earlier this week, Bernie Sanders warned that Hillary Clinton’s eventual vice presidential pick must not be someone from the milieu of Wall Street...

At Least 4,164 People, Including Americans, Killed in Iraq During May

During May, at least 4,164 people were killed and 2,396 were wounded in Iraq. These figures should be considered very low estimates. Heavy fighting at the...

A Pay-to-Play Pick for the Democratic Party Platform Committee

Democratic National Committee chair, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida. (Photo: Danuta Otfinowski / Fortune Most Powerful Women) In a rare move, both...

Don’t Hurt the Feelings of Official Victims

Two Democratic congressmen, always seeking madder music, stronger wine, and new ways to punish people for holding opinions they despise, have introduced a bill...

Memorializing the Horrors of War

“The horror… the horror…”—Apocalypse Now (1979) “You can’t show war as it really is on the screen, with all the blood and gore. Perhaps it...

Basic Income Gathers Steam Across Europe

Ververidis Vasilis |   Barcelona. In the last few months basic income—an unconditional cash payment to every member of the population—has been getting more and more attention in...

Feel the Hate

a katz |   Many Bernie Sanders activists and supporters are understandably disgusted by the contemptuous mistreatment they and their candidate have received from the corporate-Clintonite Democratic...

By the Numbers: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are Fringe Candidates

Within the theories of self-determination that lie at the heart of democracy and capitalism the idea of a political ‘center’ is paradoxical. Individually determined...

Pan-Africanism, Feminism and Finding Missing Pan-Africanist Women

We are commemorating the 58th anniversary of African Liberation Day on May 25. When most of us think of Pan-Africanism and its major icons,...

41 Secret Service agents punished for breaching congressman’s private data

Congressman Jason Chaffetz’s rejected 2003 application to join the Secret Service leaked last year, and now...

Pan-Africanism, Feminism and Finding Missing Pan-Africanist Women

We commemorated the 58th anniversary of African Liberation Day on May 25. When most of us think of Pan-Africanism and its major icons, women will...

66 Killed in Iraq; Forces Claim Victory in Garma

66 Killed in Iraq; Forces Claim Victory in Garma In Fallujah, fighting has subsided in order to clear booby-traps laid out by...

Gallup: Americans’ Trust of Elections Has Plunged

Eric Zuesse Among Americans who lean toward the Democratic Party, trust in their nation’s elections plunged from 71% on 10-13 January 2008, down to 31%...

What Britain Forgot: Making Things Matters

It’s being blamed on the Brexit jitters. But the weakness in the UK economy that the latest figures reveal is actually a symptom of a much...

Businessman Seeks To Recreate 9/11

By Richard Wheatstone Mirror May 21, 2016 American-born Paul Salo has said he wants to purchase a Boeing 747 jet and smash it into the side...

Libertarianism and the Libertarian Party

Now that Mary Matalin and the mainstream media have mentioned the Libertarian Party as a possible alternative to the Republicrat Party, already there is...

Can the Greens Deliver at Last?

Natalie Bennett recently announced she will not be standing for re-election as leader of Britain’s Green Party. I’m pleased about that. She should have...

Mizzou Faculty Offers Educational Videos for White People Who Have a ‘Way of Life...

Does the University of Missouri have a death wish?  In the wake of capitulating to race grievance demonstrators, Mizzou is already experiencing...

NATO & the Humanitarian Dismemberment of Yugoslavia

On March 24th, 1999, NATO launched its 78-day round the clock aerial assault on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without the approval of the...

Trump, Debt, and Money Printing

During a lengthy interview on CNBC the week before last, Donald Trump, fresh from becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, came as close as any major...

Clinton Does Best Where Voting Machines Flunk Hacking Tests: Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders...

At the end of the climactic scene (8 minutes) in HBO’s Emmy nominated Hacking Democracy (2006), a Leon County, Florida Election official breaks down in tears. “There are people...

Gallup: Americans Want Socialized Healthcare

Eric Zuesse Most Americans want Obamacare to be replaced by what Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders proposes and what both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump oppose:...

'Free hugs' man who punched tourist trolled even though he suffers from autism

A man with autism carrying a ‘free hugs’ sign in New York City’s famed Times Square...

Washington’s Military Addiction

Originally posted at TomDispatch. There are the news stories that genuinely surprise you, and then there are the ones that you could write...

In Washington, Why Is Militarism the Only Option?

There are the news stories that genuinely surprise you, and then there are the ones that you could write in your sleep...

Anatomy of a Propaganda Blitz

We live in a time when state-corporate interests are cooperating to produce propaganda blitzes intended to raise public support for the demonisation and destruction...

Washington Post Squeezes Four Anti-Sanders Stories Out of One Tax Study Over Seven Hours

Surely one study can’t be this important? It’s not news that the Washington Post’s editorial board has been lobbying against Sen. Bernie Sanders since the...

Trump Would Beat Clinton; Sanders Would Beat Trump

Eric Zuesse A Reuters/Ipsos poll was released on the evening of Wednesday May 11th and headlined, "Trump draws even with Clinton in national White House poll”. It opened:...

The Case Against Hillary Clinton

Eric Zuesse The case against Hillary Clinton (click onto it at that link) seems to me to be so strong (and I’ve checked the soundness of...

Hidden Costs of US Air War

When Russian air strikes kill civilians in Syria, it is big news in U.S. newspapers, but there is near-total silence...

Obama paid just 18% tax and got $22k refund as IRS deadline looms

The dreaded day is nearly upon millions of Americans to file their taxes. On the eve...

The War on Savings: The Panama Papers, Bail-Ins, and the Push to Go Cashless

Exposing tax dodgers is a worthy endeavor, but the “limited hangout” of the Panama Papers may have less noble ends, dovetailing with the War...

A Clinton Superdelegate Just Admitted That Hillary Lied About Bernie and Guns

Hillary Clinton is apparently getting desperate, as after seeming to exhaust all other options, she’s returning to the original line of attack against Bernie Sanders:...

Clinton Foundation received up to $3 mn from fossil fuel giants in 2008-09 –...

Hillary Clinton’s family foundation took millions of dollars from fossil fuel giants, according to a report,...

Who Would Be Stronger Against the Republican: Clinton, or Sanders?

What the Key Data Show: Eric Zuesse NET FAVORABILITY Black line is "Favorable" GENERAL ELECTION MATCH-UPS — Clinton beats Trump by 10.8% Sanders beats Trump by 16.0% — Clinton beats Cruz by 3.1% Sanders beats...

Guantánamo and the Politics of Fear

Out of the nearly 800 people who have been imprisoned at Guantánamo over the last fourteen years, only 8 have been convicted...

Introducing Our Newest Feature: Video Interviews

Dear Readers, In an effort to expand our outreach and provide a deeper context for our articles, we are pleased to introduce...

Muslims Are Standing Up To Extremism

Following every Islamist terror attack on a Western soft target, like the recent one in Brussels, we hear the same refrain from certain corners:...

Bernie Sanders Just Trounced Hillary Clinton in Three of the Ten Most Diverse States...

The overwhelming majority of the voting data accumulated thus far in the Democratic primaries contradicts the media narrative suggesting Bernie Sanders doesn’t perform well...

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Millionaires in New York Want to Pay Higher...

In today's On the News segment: Millionaires in New York want to pay higher taxes; our election process should be a national...

Global Agribusiness, Dependency and the Marginalisation of Self-Sufficiency, Organic Farming and Agroecology

Is organic-based farming merely a niche model of agriculture that is not capable of feeding the global population? Or does it have a major role...

Features of the war in the Donbass

Alla Pierce "War is merely the continuation of politics by other means", correctly noted the Prussian military theorist General Carl von Clausewitz in his book...

The Revolution May Not Be Televised, But Bernie Sanders Is Going All The Way

Tom Weis First the political powers that be tried to count Bernie Sanders out after Super Tuesday, only to watch him come roaring back with...

How Obama and Congressional Republicans Intend to Pass TPP Into Law —

After the November Elections Eric Zuesse Back on 10 December 2015, the head of the U.S. Senate, the pro-Obama-trade-deals Republican Mitch McConnell, said that Obama shouldn’t try to...

GMO and the Right to Know: But What’s Hidden Beneath the Label?

Rachel Parent’s campaign (Kids Right To Know) on GMO labelling has been the subject of a GM industry strategy aimed at countering her message. Despite this,...

Video: Sanders Now Leading in Illinois, Says He Doesn’t Want the Endorsement of Rahm...

Kari Lydersen, author of Mayor 1%: Rahm Emanuel and the Rise of Chicago's 99%, says Sanders is tapping into popular anger against the corporate...

Proof that Ignorance Drives Clinton Voters

Eric Zuesse Although no organization that predictively polls the Democratic Presidential primaries has sampled the question (or its equivalent) “What is the most important reason...

Austerity is an ideological smokescreen for class warfare – UK economists

(RT) - Chancellor George Osborne’s post-2015 spending cuts are an ethically bankrupt assault on the...

‘85% of British women sexually harrassed’

A new survey says 85 percent of young women in the UK have been sexually harassed in public places. The survey commissioned by the End...

The Collapse Of Italy’s Banks Threatens To Plunge The European Financial System Into Chaos

Michael Snyder (RINF) - The Italian banking system is a “leaning tower” that truly could completely collapse at literally any moment.  And as Italy’s banks...

Behind the Facade: America, The Bankrupt Hegemon

Fantasy and fairy tales can go only so far when it comes to the true condition of anything or anyone. Sooner or later the...

Brexit : Heads you lose, tails you lose

The 1% are worried that their cartel, built up over the years, reaching its rapacious crest in 2008 and continuing its relentless quest for...

Clinton-Bush Hardliner Attacks Congress for Blocking Invasion of Syria

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at In a Huffington Post interview on February 23rd, the Clinton-Bush former head of the NSA and CIA, and defender of their...

Republicans Rebuked for Utter ‘Perversion of Constitutional Duties’

Groups say GOP blocking Supreme Court justice nominee 'would cause a constitutional crisis that would shake the very foundation of our democracy' Andrea Germanos Scores of...

Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes

Eric Zuesse Many commentators have mentioned (such as here and here and here and here) that Hillary Clinton left behind no major achievement as the U.S. Secretary of State;...

Hillary v. Bernie: Their Two Opposite Views of the Presidency

Eric Zuesse Whereas Bernie Sanders claims to represent the bottom 99%, Hillary Clinton claims to represent a coalition of groups who are victimized by bigots...
British public being sold down the river in democracy deception

British public being sold down the river in democracy deception

The longest-running set of polls ever undertaken in the UK, which has been ongoing for over thirty years has been on trust in key...

Hillary Clinton Puts Space Between Her and Neocons With Whom She’s Identified

Clinton boasts of foreign-policy experience without owning up to how rich in failures and disastrous wars U.S. foreign policy has been in recent years....

CBI reduces Britain’s GDP forecast for next two years

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has downgraded the UK economic growth forecast saying the prospects have dimmed ever since a vibrant autumn statement...

‘CIA Eyewashing’ and the Lost Political Wisdom of Hunter S. Thompson

The Washington Post "revealed" today, as their headline read: ‘Eyewash’: How the CIA deceives its own workforce about operations. This would not come as...

The Failed Record of the Establishment: Why Talk Is Cheap in 2016

Peter Bloom The 2016 election is defying traditional political expectations. On the Democratic side the once inevitable frontrunner Hillary Clinton is fighting off a surging...

Dot-Com Bubble 2.0 Is Bursting: Tech Stocks Are Already Down Half A Trillion Dollars...

Michael Snyder (RINF) - Do you remember how much stocks went down when the first dot-com bubble burst?  Well, it is happening again, and tech...

How Bamboozled the American Public Are About Syria

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Responses at to an article about Syria demonstrate that Americans have massive misconceptions about the war in Syria.  Their...

The Evil Genie U.S. Let Out of Bottle in Iraq Continues His Rampage

U.S. soldiers at the Hands of Victory monument in Baghdad, 2003. (Photo: Wikipedia) The word “genie” comes from the Arab jinni. As every child knows,...

‘CIA Eyewashing’ and the Lost Political Wisdom of Hunter S. Thompson

The Washington Post "revealed" today, as their headline read: ‘Eyewash’: How the CIA deceives its own workforce about operations. This would not come as...

BAME teens in UK more likely found in prisons than colleges: PM

New data shows teenagers from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities (BAME) in the United Kingdom are more likely to be found in prisons...

Media Attacking Single-Payer Are Getting Paid Under Current Health System

Seth Ackerman debunks anti-single payer arguments in Jacobin (1/25/16). With the first nomination contest only two days away, the corporate media reaction to Bernie Sanders’...

Freedom! 19,000 Iraqi Civilians Killed in Less Than Two Years

…that works out to about 28 dead every day. It is also an estimate, given that many areas of the country are not readily accessible,...
Poverty is much worse in Britain than you think

The Truth About Poverty In Britain Is Much Worse Than You Think

Forty years after Margaret Thatcher came to power the true extent of neoliberal market reforms are still unravelling and inequality, as we are now...

Oxfam Finds: Global Poverty Is Soaring

Eric Zuesse On January 18th, Oxfam issued an analysis of the direction of the world economy, and titled it “An Economy for the 1%.” They found that: During...

‘Corporate Courts’ Have Taken from the Poor and Handed to the Rich — TTIP...

Huge corporations and the seriously wealthy will be the big winners from the controversial US-EU trade deal known as TTIP. That’s the implication of...

Secretary of State Clinton Disobeyed President Obama

Eric Zuesse At a crucial juncture after the 28 June 2009 coup by Honduras’s oligarchs overthrowing Manuel Zelaya, the popular progressive democratically elected President of...

The Financial Apocalypse Accelerates As Middle East Stocks Crash To Begin The Week

By Michael Snyder (RINF) - It looks like it is going to be another chaotic week for global...

A Balanced View of the Obama Presidency

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Barack Obama’s Presidency turns out to have been what neither his supporters nor his opponents expected. A balanced historical...

Bear Market: The Average U.S. Stock Is Already Down More Than 20 Percent

Michael Snyder (RINF) - The stock market is in far worse shape than we are being told. As you will see in this article, the...

How America’s Corrupt Press Are Destroying the Country

Eric Zuesse Even the best of America’s major mainstream and alternative-news media understate enormously the degree to which America’s government is corrupt; and, as a...

The Trouble with For-Profit Healthcare: Even the Insured Face Mountains of Debt

New data outlines 'wide range of consequences and sacrifices' made by insured Americans who face burdensome medical bills by Deirdre Fulton For one in five Americans, just...
Fastest asset stripping of UK ever

Fastest Asset Stripping Of The UK Ever As Economic Policies Fail To Deliver

Public sector debt, that is the national debt that is declared as debt on the books of UKplc stands at around £1.6 trillion or...

What About the Police Crime Rate?

The failure to indict a police officer for yet another killing of a young, Black person — this time a child, 12-year-old Tamir Rice...

Gallup: Ukrainians Loathe the Government that Obama Imposed

Eric Zuesse On December 23rd, Gallup headlines “Ukrainians Disillusioned With Leadership,” and reports that "nearly nine in 10 Ukrainians (88%) say corruption is widespread in their government,...

“Support the Troops” = Support Sexual Assaults

Chris Ernesto (RINF) - The epidemic of rape and sexual assault in the military was highlighted in the 2012 Oscar nominated documentary, The Invisible War....

The Dayton Accords 20 Years On

Nothing new about Islamophobia in Europe. Pictured: Muslim war cemetery, Sarajevo. (Photo: Ivana Vasilj / Flickr Commons) Back in the early 1990s, a war broke...

UK police overwhelmed by domestic abuse

A new report says police in England and Wales are on the verge of being overwhelmed by increases in reports of domestic abuse. According to Her Majesty’s...


Politicians, banksters and warmongers all steal from you and lie to you. And we expose them. This is why we need your help... In 2004 RINF was...

Gallup Finds Americans Are Ideological Suckers About Healthcare

Eric Zuesse Gallup headlined on November 23rd, “In U.S., 51% Say Government Should Ensure Healthcare Coverage,” and reported that, when asked “Do you think it is the...

Ron Paul: Foreign Intervention Will Motivate ‘A Lot More’ Blowback Like in Paris

Interviewed Thursday on Fox Business, Ron Paul predicted that there will be “a lot more” blowback along the lines of the killings in Paris...

Has Free Trade Wrecked American Manufacturing?

This criticism of free trade is wrong. To understand why it is wrong, first consider this chart of the per capita output of American manufacturing....

An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders and His Campaign

Re: Your Campaign for the U.S. Presidency By Eric Zuesse After the first serious debate on the Democratic Presidential side, 51% said Hillary won; 28% said Bernie...

U.S. Demands There Be No Democracy in Syria

Eric Zuesse All of the available polling that has been done by Western polling firms in Syria has indicated strongly that the current President of...

Don’t Thank Me Anymore… Just Care for Veterans Who Return and Work To End...

Michael McPhearson This past Saturday morning in Saint Louis, MO I was walking home when I saw a people gathering and portions of the street...

We Have Never Seen Global Trade Collapse This Dramatically Outside Of A Major Recession

By Michael Snyder (RINF) - If you have been watching for the next major global economic downturn, you...

The Most-Popular U.S. Presidential Candidate Blames the Poor

Eric Zuesse The most-liked U.S. Presidential candidate believes that it’s okay to be born poor, but that anyone who stays poor is remaining poor because...

EU and NATO Set to Destabilize Russia by Anti-Putin Propaganda Operation

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at German Economic News  |  Published:10/31/15 01:23Clock | (Translated here by – and then with closing commentary from – Eric Zuesse) EU, US and NATO are...

Did Turks Vote to Become an Islamic State?

Eric Zuesse The most pivotal election in modern Turkish history was held on Sunday November 1st, and it has transformed Turkey from being the least...

University Fees In Britain Doubles Prostitution

The total number of prostitutes in the United Kingdom is not known and is difficult to assess, but authorities and NGOs estimated in 2009...

AP/GfK Poll: Americans Want Gov’t. Shutdown Unless Federal Spending Is Cut

Eric Zuesse According to the AP/GfK Poll published on October 27th, 50% of Americans agree with the statement, "Congress should ONLY increase the debt ceiling if...

Report: Corporate control of British media is dangerous

A new report says control of the UK media is concentrated in the hands of just a few large corporations, threatening news plurality at...

NHS faces mass walk-outs if Tories force new contracts

A new survey suggests that thousands of British junior doctors will quit the National Health Service (NHS) if the government presses ahead with his threat...

Private NSA Army is Attacking YOU!

  Privatized NSA Army is Attacking YOU!   In the first part of this article series, the post 9/11 rise of a private NSA was detailed. Some started...

‘Massive’ Media Hype for TPP

It is amazing how the elite media can be dragged along by their noses into accepting that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) can have a...

UK super rich given low interest mortgages

A British economic analyst has blamed the Tory government’s policies for the country’s worsening housing crisis. “The ordinary people are being pressed out of the...

Obama v. Putin: Their Debate on Crimea

The Source of the ‘New Cold War’: The Basic Disagreement Between Obama and Putin Eric Zuesse, originally posted at INTRODUCTION The basic disagreement between U.S. President...

GALLUP: “Iraqis Are the Saddest & One of the Angriest Populations in the World”

Eric Zuesse (The above photo is of Uzbekistan's mountains.) The 2015 Global Emotions survey from Gallup finds that, “Iraqis Are the Saddest and One of the Angriest Populations in...

Time for the Nuclear Option: Raining Money on Main Street

Ellen Brown (RINF) - Predictions are that we will soon be seeing the “nuclear option” – central bank-created money injected directly into the real economy....

How Britain’s Propaganda Machine Controls What You Think

On the one hand, just five individual Billionaires in Britain get to control 80% what you read in printed media and on the other...

Establishment Dems Work Hard to Push Clinton Over Sanders

Despite her unpopularity with the American people, who view her as dishonest and untrustworthy, and the taint of the email scandal, Hillary Clinton has...

A List of Media Where the ‘News’ Is Censored — And Where It’s Not

Eric Zuesse –– A good test of the extent to which a given news-medium censors out news that the aristocracy (especially the people who control international...

Lost Lessons from a Toddler’s Death

The world’s conscience was touched by the photo of a toddler who drowned while fleeing the war in Syria – and Europe’s cohesion is...

Polls Show Syrians Overwhelmingly Blame U.S. for ISIS

Eric Zuesse The British polling organization ORB International, an affiliate of WIN/Gallup International, repeatedly finds in Syria that, throughout the country, Syrians oppose ISIS by...

Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News Says Refugee Crisis Is Putin’s Scheme. The Backstory

Eric Zuesse The show aired on September 5th, and interviewed their contracted expert: TRANSCRIPT, starting at 4:45: 4:45, Interviewer: The other place that nobody seems to want to...

Greece Implodes

Greece became the epicenter of Europe’s debt crisis after Wall Street imploded in 2008. With global financial markets still reeling, Greece announced in October...

As UK Follows US Model of ‘Droning Its Own,’ Condemnations Follow

Legal experts and human rights advocates issue warnings after David Cameron admits extrajudicial assassination of British nationals in Syria by Jon Queally Human rights advocates and legal...

Israel to Demolish 13,000 Palestinian Structures

Stephen Lendman (RINF) - Longstanding Israeli policy calls for Judaizing Palestine, ethnically cleansing non-Jews, continuing slow-motion genocide against Muslims, and prohibiting Palestinian self-determination. The Israeli Committee...

The 2015 Global House Price Crash Accelerates

Housing markets are prone to the bandwagon effect, they continue rising when the fundamentals vanish, a year, maybe two years before. Stock market and...

Ignoring the Cause of Welfare: Not Laziness but Low Wages

Numerous US media outlets recently uncritically echoed a methodologically flawed report by an anti-immigration organization with ties to white supremacist groups (, 9/4/15). Beyond...

Stock Market Crash 2015: The Dow Has Already Plummeted 2200 Points From The Peak

Michael Snyder (RINF) - Those that watched their stocks steadily increase in value for years are now seeing...

‘376,000 people in relative poverty in Northern Ireland’

A new study reveals a rise in poverty in Northern Ireland in 2014 with the level going to 21%, up from 19% the previous year. The...

School crisis feared over UK teacher shortage

A shortage of teachers in the UK is sparking fears of an education crisis days ahead of the new school year in Britain. The shortage...

Why and How All Large Estates Should Be Taxed to Death

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at All non-taxation of estates at death is feudal; it’s systematic continuation of feudalism, into our own era. Here’s a good...

Hurricane Katrina: Costliest natural disaster in US history in numbers

In addition to the human cost of 1,836 lives lost and over one million people displaced in the Gulf Coast region, Hurricane Katrina had...

During Every Market Crash There Are Big Ups, Big Downs And Giant Waves Of...

Michael Snyder (RINF) This is exactly the type of market behavior that we would expect to see during...

Zionists Latest Anti-Semitic Inducing Provocation: Trying to Destroy a Highly Worthy and Sane Nuclear...

The same Neo-Con-Artists, and the same lying and blackmail game players AIPAC Lobby, and the same mainstream news media newspapers and televisions stations are...

We Have Already Witnessed The First 1300 Points Of The Stock Market Crash Of...

Michael Snyder (RINF) - What has been happening on Wall Street the past few days has been nothing...

The Government’s ‘Predictive Judgments’ Land Innocent Travelers on the No Fly List Without Meaningful...

In the movie Minority Report, Hollywood depicts a future Washington, D.C., in which people are arrested by a special police force called Precrime, based on predictions...

US Congress and President Obama Officially Recognize Donbas’ Freedom!

George H Eliason It's true! President Barack Obama beat Russia's President Putin to the punch by recognizing the right of Donbas to ascend to the...

Little-Known Facts About the Fox News Republican Debate

Eric Zuesse TIME has posted the transcript of the August 6th Fox News Channel Republican Presidential candidates’ debate, and there are a number of interesting features...

Republican Party Gave First Presidential Debate to Fox News as Political Payoff

Eric Zuesse Millions of especially non-Republicans on Thursday night were disappointed to find that they couldn’t access the first Republican Presidential debate because they don’t...

Pew Global Poll Finds that Obama’s Effort to Isolate Russia Is Succeeding

Eric Zuesse The latest Pew international poll finds that whereas U.S. and global sentiments toward Russia were rather moderate, not hostile, until after U.S. President...

The MH17 Pilot’s Corpse: More on the Cover-Up

Even His Family Was Blocked from It. Here’s Why. Eric Zuesse It might be the decisive piece of evidence proving who and what and how and...

U.S. Propaganda: It’s Not Just False, but Absurd.

By Eric Zuesse, as originally published at It’s so ridiculous, no intelligent and informed person would give it any serious consideration whatsoever. It insults the...

U.S. Tries to Stir Ethnic Division in Crimea

Eric Zuesse On Saturday, August 1st, Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko (who now acknowledges that his government is illegitimate and that his predecessor Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in...

Ukraine Is Ripe for the Shock Doctrine

Like many states in crisis before it, Ukraine serves as a perfect opportunity for neoliberal transformation. by Sean Guillory While a crisis of faith, of sorts, has...

The Stock Market Will Start To Fall In July? The Dow Plummeted More Than...

By Michael Snyder (RINF) - Was last week a preview of things to come? There are quite a few people out there that believe that...

Scott Walker’s Big Lie

Eric Zuesse I have written lots of articles about Barack Obama’s lying. To expose lies by Republicans is not at all a partisan matter for me; it’s...

Uber v NYC

The Committee for Taxi Safety, an industry group composed of New York City taxi reps, proposed a cap on the number of new for-hire...

Agency to Enslave Greeks Is Established

Eric Zuesse Late on Thursday, July 16th, German Economic News headlined “Greece: Debt Restructuring Through the Back Door,” and reported that, “The majority of Greece’s...

IMF – Greek Debt Untenable

Stephen Lendman (RINF) - Overwhelming Greek debt is a time bomb sure to explode. It's unsustainable. It's just a question of when the Hellenic Republic...

Iran’s First Post-Shah President Says Iran’s Theocracy Is ‘Despotic’

Eric Zuesse – Bani-Sadr says Iran was trying for a nuclear bomb until 2003 – He says “mismanagement and corruption” plague the country – He calls current...

How Fascist Capitalism Functions: The Case of Greece

Eric Zuesse There is democratic capitalism, and there is fascist capitalism. What we have today is fascist capitalism; and the following will explain how it...

Chinese Stocks Return to February’s Values; WaPo Sees Threat to Regime

Shanghai, China’s financial center (cc photo: SF Brit) The media seem to think it’s a really huge deal that investors in China’s stock market have...

Dangerous new vaccine legislation pushed by the United States federal government

According to the "Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015" (H.R. 2232), the United States federal government wants to take away all religious and philosophical...

U.S. Wealth-Concentration: The Most-Accurate Current Estimates

Eric Zuesse CURRENT REALITIES: Wealthiest Tenth (10%) of Americans Own 75% of America; They Draw 40% of All U.S. Income. Wealthiest Hundredth (1%) of Americans Own 43% of America; They Draw...

One year on – Marijuana legalization has actually improved Washington State

As several states consider marijuana legalization initiatives, all eyes are on the initial outcomes of Washington’s marijuana law. In 2012, Washington and Colorado became...

New U.S. National Military Strategy: U.S. May Invade Any Non-‘Ally’

Eric Zuesse On July 1st, the White House, Joint Chiefs of Staff, issued “The National Military Strategy of the United States of America 2015” (officially dated June...

America’s Endless Air Wars

Like his predecessors, President Obama is relying heavily on aerial bombardment to wage war across the Mideast, but the vague notions of who is...

How the Media Discredit Greek Democracy

The language the Guardian and all other corporate media have been using about Syriza’s victory at the weekend against draconian EU-imposed austerity is revealing....

‘Nigerian slaves’ face sexual exploitation in UK

Hundreds of people from Nigeria are being illegally trafficked to the United Kingdom facing severe sexual exploitation among other horrific exploits. Figures show that in...

NATO Lies to NPR

Eric Zuesse On 17 June 2015, U.S. National Public Radio (NPR) interviewed NATO’s and America’s General Ben Hodges, who is the Commanding General of the U.S. Army...

How Obama’s ‘Trade’ Deals Are Designed to End Democracy

Eric Zuesse U.S. President Barack Obama has for years been negotiating with European and Asian nations – but excluding Russia and China, since he is...

The Two Contending Visions of World Government

The Origin & Broader Context of Obama’s ‘Trade’ Deals Eric Zuesse U.S. President Barack Obama’s proposed ‘Trade’ deals are actually about whether the world is heading...

Treatment of East Jerusalem Palestinians: Profile of Israeli Viciousness

by Stephen Lendman (RINF) - Longstanding Israeli policy leaves East Jerusalem Palestinians deeply impoverished, viciously persecuted and denied fundamental rights everyone deserves. A mid-May Association for Civil...

Video: Troika Tightens Grip on Greece

[youtube] John Weeks, author of The Economics of the 1%, says it's really the German government that is flexing its muscles regarding Greece despite...

BBC Panorama Programme: Promoting GMO and Cultivating Ignorance

  "There is no global or regional shortage of food. There never has been and nor is there ever likely to be. India has a...

Who Pays Taxes in the US? Everyone but the Super-Rich

Why are our seniors paying higher taxes on their social security benefits than billionaires pay on stocks? The IRS released a new report that reveals...

Social Science Findings about Conservatism

Eric Zuesse WHAT IS CONSERVATISM? The great empirical social psychologist who specialized in studying bigotry, Bob Altemeyer, in his 1996 The Authoritarian Specter, and his other...

European Citizens Much Better Informed About Obama’s Trade Deals than Americans

Eric Zuesse Whereas in the United States the ‘debate’ about Obama’s ‘trade’ deals is about the effect they’ll have in lowering U.S. wages, versus the...

Majority of Congress Failed to take Action on Corporate Accountability in 2014

WASHINGTON - The majority of the U.S. Congress took no action at all in 2014 in favor of holding corporations accountable and reining in...

Police Brutality in the UK

Over the past year, police brutality in the USA has become a global concern. The killings of Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Freddie Grey...

The Other One Percent

(Common Dreams) - As a high school student, I came across an observation by Abraham Lincoln who said that “With public sentiment, nothing can fail;...

5,000 Cooks and Cashiers Wage Largest-Ever Protest at McDonald’s Shareholder Meeting

Oak Brook, Ill. - Marching behind a giant banner that read, “McDonald’s: $15 and Union Rights, Not Food Stamps,” 5,000 cooks and cashiers massed...

Americans Don’t Trust the Government – Everyone Hates NSA Spying

Washington's Blog Americans Don’t Trust the Government A poll released today shows that Americans across the political spectrum hate the Patriot Act and NSA spying. The bipartisan...

Women and Biodiversity Feed the World, Not Corporations and GMOs

(Common Dreams) - The two great ecological challenges of our times are biodiversity erosion and climate change. And both are interconnected, in their causes and...

A surge in America’s GM-free imports

“Although corn and soybean go primarily into cattle and poultry feed, consumers increasingly want milk and food products to be free of GM ingredients”. A...

Almost Half Of Brits View Wearable Tech As Treat To Privacy

(RINF) - Software programmers are being pushed to teach customers about wearable technologies in order to facilitate consumption, as a result of the latest research...

Non-Religious Population Is Soaring in America

Eric Zuesse The Pew Research Center on Religion & Public Life is reporting, in their poll of 35,000 Americans, that during the seven years from...

The Early Signs of Whom the Next U.S. President Will Likely Be

Presidential Polls Look Confusing Regarding Bernie, But Downright Bad Regarding Hillary & All Republicans Eric Zuesse The top thing that I look for in polling-results this...

Seymour Hersh Succumbs To Disinformation – Paul Craig Roberts

Seymour Hersh Succumbs To Disinformation Paul Craig Roberts Seymour Hersh has published a long account of the homicide of Osama bin Laden: Hersh concludes that the Obama regime’s account of the killing of bin Laden is a total fabrication…

The post Seymour Hersh Succumbs To Disinformation — Paul Craig Roberts appeared first on

World’s Richest 80 People Own Same as World’s Bottom 50%

Eric Zuesse Oxfam’s recent report, "WEALTH: HAVING IT ALL AND WANTING MORE” contains shocking figures that the press haven’t sufficiently publicized; so, the findings and the reliability...

One in four British children obese

Nearly a quarter of British children under the age of five are overweight or obese, according to a new Europe-wide study.

The research found that out of the 28 countries involved in the study, the UK boasted the second highest proportion of overweight children under the age of five.

The data showed 23.1% of youngsters in the under-five age group were classed as overweight or obese with the UK coming closely behind Ireland, which registered 27.5%.

Albania (22%), Georgia (20%), Bulgaria (19.8%) and Spain (18.4%) followed Ireland and Britain in third, fourth, fifth and sixth place out of a total twenty-eight.

The bottom of the chart showed Kazakhstan had the lowest obesity rate (0.6%), along with nations including Czech Republic (5.5%), Belgium (7%) and Sweden (8%).

The research found that out of the 28 countries involved in the study, the UK boasted the second highest proportion of overweight children under the age of five.

Another study conducted by the Leeds Beckett University found overweight and obese children showed concern and dissatisfaction over their body shape.

The data, collected from over 300 pupils from eight primary schools in the UK city found a higher body dissatisfaction score among girls.

Prof Pinki Sahota, lead researcher of the study said: “The results suggested that body shape dissatisfaction and dietary restraint behaviours may begin in children as young as six to seven years old, and there is an association with increased BMI."

“Obesity prevention programmes need to consider psychological well-being and ensure that it is not compromised. Further research should be conducted on how interventions can help improve psychological well-being in this age group.”

Dr João Breda of the World Health Organisation said early intervention is necessary.

Dr João Breda of the World Health Organisation’s regional office for Europe, who was involved in the first study, said: “Evidence suggests that early intervention, before five years of age, is necessary if the trajectory to overweight in children is to be arrested and action needs to be taken to have consistent surveillance on this specific population.”

The two studies are to be presented at the European congress on obesity in Prague this week.


UK Elections: Business As Usual Triumphs

UK Elections: Business as Usual Triumphs

by Stephen Lendman

May 7 general elections approach. Britain is like America. It's all over before polls open. Monied interests win every time.

Ordinary people lose out more than ever in modern memory. It shows in opinion polls. 

Only 16% of voters trust politicians. Why anyone besides well-off Brits do they'll have to explain.  

It doesn't matter who wins on Thursday. Torries and New Labour are even in polls. They're like Republicans and Democrats in America - two sides of the same coin, not a dime's worth of difference between them.

Neither major party is expected to win a majority. Expect coalition government with smaller parties to follow. They largely support the same regressive policies.

All politicians lie. Nothing they say can be believed. New Labour leader Ed Miliband maintained the standard saying Britain's "clear choice on Thursday (is) between a Labour government that will put working people first or a Tory government that will only ever work for the privileged few."

Britain's "clear choice" is none at all. Monied interests run things. Bankers top the pecking order.

Politicians come and go. One major party or the other wins. Things stay the same.

Neoliberal harshness, financialization, weak unions, offshoring manufacturing, privatizing state enterprises, deregulation, and disappearing social justice characterize Britain's economy.

London's Guardian warned of a "hit list of (more) welfare cuts" coming.

Voltaire once explained British society saying its people "are like their own beer; froth on top, dregs at bottom, the middle excellent."

Today's froth never had it better. Poor Brits are enduring their hardest times since post-WW II recovery.

Middle class society is fast disappearing - like in America. Britain's weekly Spectator magazine says it's "shrinking and sinking."

"The lifestyle that the average earner had half a century ago -  reasonably sized house, dependable healthcare, a decent education for the children and a reliable pension - is becoming the preserve of the rich." 

"Middle-class pensioners look on amazed at how their children, now into adulthood, seem to have a far harder time."

Rich elites run things more than ever. They doubled their wealth since 2009. The average worker earns less when adjusted for inflation and wage cuts.

Former Bank of England governor Mervyn King said middle class society is enduring the longest squeeze in living memory. Rich folks never had it better.

London is unaffordable to live in. House prices average over $750,000. The average wage is less than $50,000.

In January, thousands participated in a March for Homes rally. They demanded solutions to unaffordable housing prices - worsening as they escalate.

They carried banners saying "People before profit." Build council homes (reasonably priced ones for working class people)." "Take the wealth of the 1%."

Rents surged an average 13% annually since 2010. So have repossessions and evictions. Britain increasingly is unfit to live in - just like America.

New Labour claiming "Britain can be better" rings hollow for millions enduring increasing hardships.

They're "all the same," growing numbers of voters say about a system increasingly ignoring their needs.

They promise one thing. They do another. Serving monied interests and allying with Washington's war machine matter most.

Respect Party Bradford West MP George Galloway is running for reelection. He calls himself "your traditional, much-loved black cab."

"You don't know what you've got until it's gone. There are not a lot of us black cabs around any more."

His constituency is one of Britain's poorest. It's struggling to reinvent itself. Despite his best  best efforts, he's up against a corrupted, uncaring system.

He's one of 650 House of Commons members. "Recovery, what recovery," he asks?

"We keep hearing that the economic recovery is better in Britain than in any other European country."

"Well it may be in London and the Home Counties, but it certainly isn't here" and most other places in Britain.

Millions are suffering. Food banks are proliferating, Galloway explained. "Can you imagine what the country will look like by 2020 if these barbarians are returned" to power, he stressed.

"We need investment in jobs and infrastructure…But it won't come under the Tories or this miserable local Labour administration." Or New Labour if it bests the Torries nationwide.

Social justice is fast disappearing. Force-fed austerity is official UK policy. 

So is growing wealth inequality. It's risen four times faster since 2008 compared to the seven preceding years.

It bears repeating. Britain is like America - governed of, by and for its privileged elites alone.

It's corrupt, fundamentally unfair and ruthlessly anti-democratic. Young people have no futures.

An entire generation is lost. Social welfare cuts hits Britain's most disadvantaged hardest.

Inequality is booming. Politicians able to make a difference don't care. Increasing amounts of public wealth in private hands is a slippery slope to third world status.

Margaret Thatcher escalated inequality. She oversaw one of the greatest ever transfers of wealth to British society's most well-off.

David Cameron is worse. New Labour's Ed Miliband is no better. Robbing poor Peter to pay rich Paul is official bipartisan policy.

It's endorsed by Liberal Democrats, Britain's third ranked party. It's neither liberal nor democratic. It's hard right like the rest.

On Thursday, voting options are death by hanging or firing squad. Ballot choices exclude government serving everyone equitably.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 

Michigan, Texas, Mississippi, California, Idaho And Washington All Jolted By Significant Earthquakes

North America Map - Public DomainDid you know that Michigan was just hit by the worst earthquake that state has seen in more than 60 years?  In recent days, there has been a series of alarming earthquakes all over the United States.  Of course none of these earthquakes was anything like the massively powerful quake that just crippled the entire nation of Nepal, but many are concerned that these earthquakes could be a sign of what is to come.  All over the planet, seismic activity is increasing.  In fact, I recently wrote about how the number of volcanoes erupting right now is greater than the 20th century’s average for an entire year.  At the same time, the surface of the sun has become very, very quiet.  As you will see in this article, there are scientists that link the two.  It is believed that times of very low solar activity have something to do with a rise in seismic activity, and there is one scientist that is claiming that solar activity is declining faster “than at any time in the last 9300 years” right now.  So what does this mean for the future of our planet?

Before we get to that, let’s review some of the very unusual earthquake activity in the U.S. that we have been witnessing lately.  As I mentioned above, the state of Michigan was just hit by the worst earthquake that it has seen in more than 60 years

If you thought you felt an earthquake on Saturday — you did. And it was one of the strongest quakes ever experienced in Michigan. Paul Caruso, a geophysicist with the United States Geological Survey, said an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.2 and a depth of focus of 5.9 km was measured around 12:23 p.m. about nine miles southeast of Kalamazoo, near Galesburg. Dozens of residents in several different regions beyond Kalamazoo — from Mount Pleasant and Sterling Heights to Lansing and even as far as Cleveland, Ohio — called the WWJ Newsroom and reported feeling a rumble and the ground shake for between five and 10 seconds.

If that was all that happened, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.  But at the same time, unusual earthquakes are striking all over the country.  For instance, check out what just happened in Texas

North Texas was rattled once again with an earthquake early Sunday morning.

The USGS confirmed that the 3.2 magnitude earthquake struck about two miles north-northeast of Irving at about 10:11 a.m.

NBC 5 viewers reported feeling the earthquake in Irving, Dallas and here at the NBC 5 studios in Fort Worth near Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.

This follows a string of earthquakes in the area just last month.

And nobody really ever thinks of Mississippi as a place for earthquakes, and yet the state was just hit by two of them.  According to the USGS, a magnitude 3.0 earthquake and a magnitude 3.2 earthquake shook up the residents of Canton, Mississippi over the weekend.

In addition, on Sunday morning Los Angeles was hit by a magnitude 3.8 earthquake

A shallow magnitude 3.8 earthquake was reported Sunday morning one mile from View Park-Windsor Hills, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor occurred at 4:07 a.m. PDT at a depth of 5.6 miles.

The quake was classified by the USGS as “light” but was felt over a wide area of the L.A. basin.

Not to be outdone, the Bay area in northern California was hit by a magnitude 4.0 earthquake on Sunday afternoon

A 4.0 magnitude earthquake rattled San Francisco Bay Area residents Sunday afternoon.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported the quake hit about one mile south of the city of Concord.

Of course it is not really a great surprise for California to get earthquakes.  The state had been fairly quiet for several decades, but everyone knows that it is just a matter of time before “the big one” comes.  Could these mid-size quakes be a sign that the region is starting to wake up?

Meanwhile, sizable quakes are also being reported in regions of the country that are not typically known for seismic activity.  In fact, northern Idaho was jolted by two substantial earthquakes on Thursday night

Two earthquakes — a magnitude 4.1 and a 4.2 — jolted north Idaho on Thursday night, with residents from northeastern Washington to northwestern Montana saying they felt the tremors.

It is fairly easy for scientists to explain the earthquakes in California.  But what is with the quakes in Michigan, Mississippi and Idaho?  Something very unusual appears to be happening.

At the same time, volcanic activity is rising all over the planet.  In fact, scientists believe that a submarine volcano off the northwest coast of the United States may have just erupted

More than 80 scientists from around the world gathered in Seattle last week to discuss a thrilling development: For the first time, seafloor instruments were providing a real-time look at the most active, submarine volcano off the Northwest coast — and all signs indicated it might erupt soon. But even the researchers most closely monitoring Axial Seamount were stunned by what happened next. Beginning Thursday, April 23 — the day after the workshop ended — the new sensors recorded 8,000 small earthquakes in a 24-hour period. The volcano’s caldera, which had been swelling rapidly from an influx of magma, collapsed like a deflated balloon. “All the alarm bells were going off,” said Oregon State University volcanologist Bill Chadwick, who along with a colleague predicted last year that the volcano would erupt in 2015. “It was very exciting.”

And one of the largest volcanoes in Hawaii is spewing lava for the first time in more than 30 years

For the first time in more than 30 years, lava is flowing on the floor of Halema’uma’u crater in Hawaii.

Kilauea volcano’s volatile lava lake spilled over the rim of a deep vent within Halema’uma’u crater several times overnight, lapping onto the edges of the vent like an overflowing pool.

So what is causing all of this to happen?

Well, could you believe that it is because the sun is being too quiet right now?

For a long time, scientists have known that there is a link between activity on the sun and seismic activity on our planet

A 1967 study published in the Earth and Planetary Science journal, stated: “Solar activity, as indicated by sunspots, radio noise and geomagnetic indices, plays a significant but by no means exclusive role in the triggering of earthquakes.”

A 1998 report by a scientist from the Beijing Astronomical Observatory… “Earthquakes occur frequently around the minimum years of solar activity.”

As reported on and numerous other science sites, including, the sun has recently entered into its lowest (minimum) actively levels in four centuries, coinciding with an increase in global seismic activity. “Solar activity is declining very fast at the moment,” Mike Lockwood, professor of space environmental physics at Reading University, UK, told New Scientist. “We estimate faster than at any time in the last 9300 years.”

Very interesting.

So why aren’t we hearing anything about this in the mainstream media?

In recent years, the sun has become extremely quiet, and now things have gone to a whole new level.  In fact, it is being projected that we could shortly see a sun that is “completely blank”

Everyone knows that high solar activity has a profound effect on the space around Earth. Less well known is that *low* solar activity can be equally transformative. This week, the sun is plunging into a quiet state with almost no sunspots. Only a few dark cores are peppering the face of the sun, and they are so small you might have trouble finding them in this April 30th image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory: Almost no sunspots = almost no solar activity. The sun’s X-ray output has flatlined, and NOAA forecasters estimate a scant 1% chance of strong flares in the next 24 hours. If the sunspot number continues to drop, the sun could become completely blank.

If we have indeed entered a time of decreased solar activity, that could mean that seismic activity on our planet will continue to increase.

This is something that I have been warning about for a long time.  I believe that we are going to see enormous natural disasters both inside the United States and all over the planet during the next few years.  I believe that at some point we are going to see natural disasters that are so dramatic that they will literally change the geography of nations.

So what do you think?  Do you believe that we have entered a time of increased seismic activity?  Please feel free to share what you think by posting a comment below…

What America’s Media Get Very Wrong About ‘Socialism’ — And About Senator Sanders

Eric Zuesse (RINF) - On April 30th, Jonathan Cohn at Huffington Post provided a perfect example of what America's media get wrong about the meaning...

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The Hillary Balloon Has Already Popped

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Ukraine’s Car-Production Plunges 96%; Many Banks Also Fail

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The U.S. Economy Slows to Stall Speed

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Ukraine’s Economy Plunges: So, Who Should Pay for It?

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Gallup Finds: Among Conservatives, Education Increases False Belief

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About RINF Alternative News

Launched in 2004 RINF Alternative News is one of the UK's first completely self-financed and 100% independent news organisations. If you'd like to get in touch...

Israel’s Victory of Fear

Binyamin Netanyahu is probably the most deficient prime minister in Israel’s history. His blunders and vices have been laid bare in great abundance during...

How Bush Won the War in Iraq – Really!

By Greg Palast for Vice Magazine If you thought it was "Blood for Oil"--you're wrong.  It was far, far worse. Because it was marked "confidential" on each page, the oil industry stooge couldn't believe the US State Department had given me a complete copy of their secret plans for the oil fields of Iraq. Actually, [...]

China’s Slowdown, Harbinger of a New Business Model?

At the opening of China’s annual parliamentary meeting last week, Premier Li Keqiang laid out Beijing’s policy agenda for the year, speaking frankly about the formidable challenges to growth facing the Chinese economy. Li referred to a myriad of systemic, institutional, and structural problems as ‘tigers in the road,’ responsible for holding up development.

Beijing subsequently unveiled this year’s GDP target at about 7 per cent, the lowest target in over 15 years. After three decades of rapid expansion, Li has referred the current period of slower, sustained economic growth as the ‘new normal’. Though the revised performance target remains robust by global comparison, the Chinese leadership is now taking measures to offset further downward pressure on the economy.

The slowdown in the world’s second largest economy is driven primarily by high debts (estimated at more than 280 per cent of GDP), an unintended consequence of the central government’s massive credit stimulus following the global financial crisis of 2008 to 2009. Following the crash, investments in property and infrastructure were financed primarily by credit to compensate for lower consumer demand for Chinese exports.

Declining commodity and oil prices, lower international and domestic demand, and falling industrial production have converged, placing an increasingly heavy debt burden on provincial governments and industrial firms. China is currently experiencing a property downturn and low consumer inflation, while three consecutive years of contracting industrial output has spurred on deflationary risks.

Read the full story on New Eastern Outlook

Nile Bowie is a columnist with Russia Today, and a research affiliate with the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), an NGO based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He can be reached at

Gallup: Dissatisfaction w. U.S. Gov’t. Soars

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Nemtsov Wanted Color Revolution Change in Russia

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The CIA-Controlled Neocon Washington Post

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The Entire Case for Sanctions Against Russia Is Pure Lies

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U.S. Government Buys Surveillance Technology To Track Drivers in Real Time

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The Share-the-Scraps Economy

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The Hidden Truth: The Rising Tide of “Global Racism” and Xenophobia

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Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News Portrays Ukraine’s ‘Far Right’ as ‘Heroes’

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A Response to Obama’s State of the Union

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The Battle of Our Time: Breaking the Spell of the Corporate State

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A year of disaster for Malaysian aviation

The disappearance of AirAsia Flight marks the third incident this year involving a Malaysia-affiliated airline. Why have they been struck by such bad fortune? Before vanishing from radar less than an hour into the flight, the pilot of the Singapore-bound plane contacted air traffic control to request an alternate course to avoid extreme weather conditions.

The AirAsia Flight QZ8501, an Airbus A320-200, was carrying 162 people and is now presumed to have crashed off the coast of Indonesia near Belitung Island, about halfway between Singapore and Surabaya, Indonesia’s second biggest city where the flight originated. Southeast Asia has also been experiencing severe flooding, and intense thunderstorms could have been a major contributing factor in the latest incident.

Though the AirAsia plane may have crashed as a result of severe weather, there is an eerie similarity with MH370, which disappeared in March and presumably flew for hours toward the Indian Ocean after radically changing its flight path. Both planes vanished from radar without any emergency signal or indication of distress.

During the last communication with the plane, the captain requested clearance to fly at a higher altitude to avoid clouds that would have caused heavy turbulence, which is an entirely normal action for a pilot to take. What is strange, however, is that the pilot did not attempt to relay any further information or an emergency signal to air traffic control.

Read the full story on

Nile Bowie is a columnist with Russia Today, and a research affiliate with the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), an NGO based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He can be reached at

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Obama Is 100% Opposed to Accountability. But the Problem Goes Even Deeper

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Electoral Nihilism

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Big money has corrupted politics

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Slavery Is Now Being Put into Practice by the Ukrainian Government

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What’s Behind Lower Gas-Prices and the Bombings of Syria and of Southeastern Ukraine

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Ukraine’s Civil War Is Restarting

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Obama Is 100% Opposed to Accountability. But the Problem Goes Even Deeper …

Eric Zuesse U.S. President Barack Obama has blocked accountability, everywhere he can. (1) Obama did it for the top officials who had caused illegal tortures to...

GMO safety cannot be proven — new peer-reviewed study

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If Republicans Win Control of the Senate in November, Nuclear War with Russia Will...

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Obama Misrepresents the Russian Economy

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How America Changed from Being the World’s Leading Democratic Nation under FDR, to Being...

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Computerized Election Theft and the New American Century

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How Mainstream U.S. Media Sold the War on ISIS

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What Obama’s Ukrainian Stooges Did

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Gallup: Republicans Are Likely to Win Congress Next Month

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U.S. V.P. Joe Biden’s Speech Loaded w. Lies About Ukraine

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End of the Empire

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Washington’s Bloated Defense Budget

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Spain Is In Debt Up To Its Eyeballs

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Gallup Poll Finds Business Majors Graduate to the Worst Careers

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Why Obama Lost His War in Ukraine

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20 percent of American workers have lost their job during the last 5 years

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America’s Dirty Little Secret: Sex Trafficking Is Big Business

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Ukraine Government Officially Introduces Slavery, with Vague Terms

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The ‘New Normal’ of 1 Percent Growth

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Inside the Shadowy Manipulation of American Journalists by Former Treasury Officials on the UAE’s...

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Why and How to Measure Your Body Fat Percentage

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How Rich Old Men Are Taking the Lunch Money Away From Broken-Down Schools

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Distorting Perceptions of Economic Reality

Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler RINF Alternative News The Federal Reserve and its bullion bank agents (JP Morgan, Scotia, and HSBC) have been using naked short-selling to...

Obama Is Defeated in Ukraine. Status-Quo Truce-Lines Agreed.

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Russia’s Leader Putin Rejects Ukrainian Separatists’ Aim to Become Part of Russia

Eric Zuesse RINF Alternative News The leader of the Ukrainian separatists says that their efforts to get Russia's President Vladimir Putin to accept their territory as...

The American Corporate State

Norman Pollack RINF Alternative News History is the plaything of history. No, not a Gertrude Stein wannabe, rather a commonsense point that each generation of historians...

Scottish Independence: Establishment Resorts To Scaremongering

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Don’t Bomb ISIS On My Behalf

Chris Ernesto RINF Alternative News A Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted Sept. 4-7 among 1,001 adults nationwide revealed that 59% of Americans believe ISIS (or ISIL...

Neocons Revive Syria ‘Regime Change’ Plan

President Obama plans to violate international law by launching airstrikes inside Syria without that government’s consent, even though Syria might well give it. Is Obama playing...

U.S. Heads Far Right: Gallup Poll Shows Doom for Dems in November, But One...

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Rejecting an alliance with Syria to counter the Islamic State is madness

The rapid military advances made in recent months by the Islamic State, the radical jihadist organization that declared a caliphate over territories belonging to Iraq and Syria in June, has yet again prompted US military engagement in Iraq. Pentagon officials have branded the Islamic State as ‘apocalyptic’ and ‘an imminent threat’.

Washington has redeployed some 800 troops to Iraq since June, and the Obama administration has since conducted dozens of airstrikes in support of Kurdish peshmerga fighters and Iraqi Special Forces, who are fighting alongside Shiite militias once at the forefront of armed resistance to the US occupation.

Despite the prevailing war-weariness of the American public, Barack Obama has pledged a renewed commitment to long-term military involvement in Iraq to counter the Islamic State. Remarks made by administration officials suggest that the US is preparing for wider military involvement in the region.

Ethnic minorities in northern Iraq, such as the Christian, Turkmen and Yazidis, are considered infidels by the advancing jihadist militants and have been under siege by the Islamic State’s push into their historic lands. Washington has made its case for intervention in Iraq by coming to their defense.

The latest wave of US intervention in Iraq has produced some modest gains. Humanitarian aid has been delivered to embattled minorities; Kurdish and Iraqi fighters have retaken some areas – such as the Mosul dam – and the Islamic State’s advance toward the US-backed semi-autonomous Kurdish region has been averted for the moment.

Washington is widely expected to expand the scope of its military operation against the Islamic State into Syria, where the Obama administration has supported militias fighting since 2011 to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Pentagon has already begun reconnaissance flights over Syria as a precursor to potential airstrikes.

Syria’s foreign minister, Walid al-Muallem, said that his country would be willing to cooperate in fighting the Islamic State, but that any strike taken inside Syrian territory without coordination with Damascus would be considered an act of aggression and a violation of his country’s sovereignty.

The Obama administration then snubbed Damascus by stating it had no intention to coordinate its actions with the Syrian government. Washington also announced that it planned to ramp up support for ‘moderate’ rebel groups fighting Syrian security forces.

The rise and eminence of the Islamic State group, and other jihadist organizations such as Jabhat al-Nusra, demonstrate the alarming extent to which policies undertaken by Western and Gulf States in Syria have spectacularly backfired, with staggering human costs.

The rebellion against Bashar al-Assad – who, despite undeniable heavy-handedness, has led a country once considered among the safest and most tolerant in the region – relies on heavily on foreign fighters and material assistance provided from abroad.

Sunni monarchies such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar are known to have provided hundreds of millions to radical militias fighting inside Syria, in an attempt to roll back the regional influence of Shiite Iran, whose key allies are the government in Damascus and Hezbollah, the Lebanese paramilitary organization. Turkey, Jordan, and Kuwait have been similarly involved in promoting anti-Assad militias.

The US, under the auspices of covert programs conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency, provided weapons and training to Islamist fighters with anti-Western views (though Washington publically claims to only support so-called ‘moderates’), many of whom have now joined the ranks of the Islamic State, according to a recent exposé published in the Washington Post.

Though the existence of covert programs have been widely reported by investigative journalists and admitted by the Obama administration, the Washington Post’s report, which cites senior US and Arab intelligence figures and members of the Islamic State, is among the most critical assessments of US policy in Syria to appear in the mainstream American media.

Western and Gulf states knowingly trained militants with jihadist leanings to fight for ‘democracy’ in Libya, where they succeeded in toppling Muammar Gaddafi, and Syria, according to the report, which also claims that many fighters who now belong to the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra were previously trained by French, British, and American military and intelligence personnel.

The policy being pursued in Syria – grounded in the strategy that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ – has not only unnecessarily prolonged the Syrian civil war and intensified the humanitarian calamity facing the region. It is the primary factor that has given rise to the Islamic State and any potential Western military escalation due to follow.

The Islamic State controls an area larger than the UK and controls seven oil fields and two refineries in northern Iraq, and six out of 10 oil fields in eastern Syria. It is believed to be raising more than $2 million a day in revenue from extortion, taxes, smuggling, and oil sales, by selling crude at between $25 and $60 a barrel.

As Western officials concede, there has never been a more sophisticated, disciplined, and wealthy terrorist organization. It is a strategic mistake for the Obama administration to press ahead with its campaign of regime change against the government of Bashar al-Assad, who can prove to be a useful ally in the fight against the jihadist militants.

Western countries dismissed the results of Syria’s presidential elections in June, where some 73 percent of 15.8 million eligible voters took part in the vote, which saw Assad run against two challengers and win with 88 percent. Assad clearly commands the majority support of the Syrian public, and his government does not pose a military threat to the US.

The worst move the West could make would be launching unauthorized strikes in Syria while continuing to provide arms to anti-Assad militants; such a strategy would serve to undermine the entire region’s ability to respond to the jihadist threat and open the door to wider war if the Syrian government decides to respond to US provocations.

If the Obama administration proceeds with airstrikes in Syria without the explicit permission of Damascus or UN approval, it would be an unabashed violation of international law and the UN charter. Any intervention without the approval of Congress would also violate US law and could potentially pull Washington into yet another prolonged military quagmire.

The Islamic State is built on an ideological fallacy that betrays the values of the Muslim faith and the feats of Islamic civilization, which saw multiculturalism, scientific innovation, learning and culture thrive in pre-modern caliphates. The ahistorical caliphate envisioned by Islamic State leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is grounded in absolutist violence and nihilistic fundamentalism.

The unfolding crisis demands a sober acceptance that, by attempting to replace unsavory regimes with more agreeable proxies, the policies of Washington and its allies have worked to fuel radicalism rather than contain it. Pushing aside political and sectarian differences is an absolute prerequisite for countering the threat posed by the Islamic State and its fellow travelers.

This article appeared in the September 03, 2014 print edition of The Malaysian Reserve newspaper. 

Nile Bowie is a columnist with Russia Today, and a research affiliate with the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), an NGO based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He can be reached at 

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Bedouins defiant despite Israel eviction plan

Al-Jazeera – 14 June 2014

Israeli security forces entered the embattled Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the Negev on June 12 to evict a handful of families who had sought sanctuary in the community’s graveyard.

Bulldozers tore down an improvised mosque, caravan and several shacks that had been set up in the cemetery by 30 residents after the rest of the village had been destroyed dozens of times over the past four years.

“Hundreds of security forces stormed the cemetery, a place where my father and grandfather are buried,” Awad Abu Freih, a village leader, told Al Jazeera. “Israel has no shame. It has violated our sacred land.”

Thabet Abu Ras, an expert on Israeli land policy at Ben Gurion University in the Negev, said the invasion of the cemetery was a “dangerous escalation” by the government. “It will provoke a severe reaction. The government has only one policy towards the Bedouin: force and more force.”

Al-Araqib, which is located a few kilometres north of the Negev’s main city, Beersheva, has become a symbol of the struggle by tens of thousands of Bedouin to win recognition for dozens of communities the government claims are illegally built on state land.

Abu Ras said Israel considered al-Araqib a test of its determination to move the Bedouin off their tribal lands and into “townships” built specially for them decades ago.

“The government fears al-Araqib. Other Bedouin look to it for inspiration,” he told Al-Jazeera. “They see the villagers are refusing to leave their land despite the now 70 demolitions.”

Eviction orders, issued last month and posted on the mosque, included the names of two Bedouins buried in the cemetery, prompting fears that the Israeli authorities might also be planning to demolish the graveyard.

Mickey Rosenfeld, a police spokesman, said several structures had been removed, but the graves would not be destroyed.

‘Graveyard desecrated’

Israeli police had been regularly visiting the cemetery since March, taking photographs and measurements, said Haia Noach, director of Dukium, an Israeli organisation campaigning for equal rights for the Negev’s Bedouin.

Rabbis for Human Rights had described the earlier intrusions as a “desecration of sacred ground”.

Dozens of Bedouins, including two members of the Israeli parliament, backed by solidarity activists, had joined the families on June 11, in preparation for the eviction orders taking effect the next day.

The villagers of al-Araqib began burying their dead in the cemetery exactly a century ago. Abu Freih said: “It is the clearest proof that, contrary to the state’s claims, our ancestors were settled here well before Israel’s creation in 1948.”

Land claims by Bedouin relating to nearly 1,000sq km of the Negev are yet to be settled by Israel’s highest court, despite years of legal battles.

But al-Araqib’s families received a tentative fillip this month when the Supreme Court appeared reluctant to back the government’s argument that the Bedouin were “trespassers”.

It recommended instead that officials engage in a “fair” mediation process over Al-Araqib’s lands, possibly establishing a precedent for some 35 other villages in the same situation.

Court pre-empted

The government has said it will respond to the court’s proposal in the next few weeks. Abu Freih said the evictions from the cemetery were intended to “pre-empt” the court’s decision.

At the time of the village’s first demolition in 2010, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, warned that the rapid growth of the country’s Palestinian minority, which comprises a fifth of the population, posed a “palpable threat” to the state’s Jewishness.

The Bedouin have one of the country’s highest birth rates and now number 200,000 in the Negev, more than a quarter of the total population there despite waves of state-sponsored Jewish migration.

Netanyahu told his cabinet a possible consequence might be that “different elements will demand national rights within Israel, for example, in the Negev, if we allow for a region without a Jewish majority”.

The Negev constitutes nearly two-thirds of Israel’s recognised territory, and much of it is reserved for military purposes, including Israel’s nuclear reactor and its secret nuclear weapons programme.

In 2011, Netanyahu’s government approved a plan by a senior security official, Ehud Prawer, to forcibly remove up to 70,000 Bedouin from their villages and urbanise them in seven Bedouin townships built in the 1970s and 1980s. The townships, including the largest, Rahat, languish at the bottom of all Israeli social and economic tables, according to figures compiled by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.

Abu Freih said the goal was to empty the Negev of Bedouins so that Jews could settle in their place. “The state wants us out, but we will continue to rebuild. We are not leaving.”

Prawer Plan rethought

Following widescale protests by the Bedouin, Israel officially shelved legislation to implement Prawer’s recommendations late last year. However, Yair Shamir, the agriculture minister, has been charged with reintroducing the plan.

“There is a lot of frustration in the government that it did not succeed in passing the Prawer Bill,” said Abu Ras. “My suspicion is that they are now planning to implement it on the ground without legislation. For them al-Araqib is a ‘hot spot’ – a village they need to make an example of.”

In a possible sign of the internal disputes within the government, Doron Almog, Netanyahu’s senior official dealing with Bedouin affairs, resigned his post last weekend. He declined to state his reasons.

Before the wave of demolitions began in summer 2010, al-Araqib was home to more than 300 Bedouin. The few families that remained had hoped the cemetery would offer them protection.

The residents of al-Araqib have been struggling to be allowed to return to their village since they were forcibly relocated in 1951, during a lengthy period of military rule in the Negev. Their land, along with that of many other Bedouin communities, was reclassified as belonging to the state.

The villagers were eventually resettled in Rahat, only a short distance from al-Araqib. But faced with severe overcrowding there, as well as a lack of infrastructure and jobs, many families began moving back to al-Araqib in the late 1990s and tried to revive their pastoral way of life.

Yusuf Abu Zaid, a resident of al-Araqib now living in Rahat, said many families had found it too difficult to endure four years of demolitions and had moved back to the township. “But we keep our connection by returning at the weekends and in the evenings,” he said.

Forestation programmes

Only about half the Negev’s 200,000 Bedouin have agreed to live in the townships.

In the region’s master plan, much of al-Araqib’s land has been designated for two large forestation programmes. One honours the international community’s ambassadors to Israel, while the other has been paid for by a Christian evangelical TV station called GOD-TV.

Abu Freih said other parts of the village’s lands had been secretly settled by Jews in 2004. In a night-time operation, the government and an international Zionist charity, the Jewish National Fund, set up caravans that subsequently became an exclusively Jewish community known as Givot Bar.

In 2002 Israel began a policy of annually spraying herbicide on al-Araqib’s crops, in an attempt to move the villagers off the land. The practise was stopped in 2007 after the Supreme Court ruled it illegal.

In a test case currently before Israel’s Supreme Court, a former resident of al-Araqib, Nuri al-Uqbi, has been presenting documents and expert testimony to show that his ancestors owned and lived on the village’s lands many decades before Israel’s establishment in 1948.

In 2010, a Beersheva judge rejected al-Uqbi’s case, backing the government’s argument that his tribe had no ownership claim on the land.

This month, however, three Supreme Court justices sided with al-Uqbi’s lawyer, agreeing that government should enter a six-month mediation process to reach a “fair solution”.

Oren Yiftachel, a geographer at Ben Gurion University, said the case was the first time the Supreme Court had examined historical documents relating to Bedouin land claims.

He added: “Sixty years of Bedouin dispossession in general – and the Uqbis’ dispossession in particular – were based on a judicial and historical falsehood”.

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Voters have increasingly become disillusioned with the Democratic and Republican Parties. According to a poll reported by Rasmussen in April, more than half the country believes that neither of the top two parties represents the American people. As presidential candidate Ron Paul remarked in 2011:

These parties aren’t different, they’re all the same. The monetary policy stays the same. The welfare system stays the same. The foreign policy stays the same. . . . There is but one party.

Or as Ronald Reagan put it, “We don’t need a third party. We need a second party.”

A recent Gallup poll found that nationwide, the share of registered voters identifying as independent has hit a record high of 42 percent. That trend also holds true in California. Yet no third-party or independent candidate for state-wide office will appear on the California general election ballot in November. All were eliminated by Top Two, the new electoral system ushered in by Proposition 14 in 2010. It excludes all but the top-two primary vote-getters from advancing to November, and that effectively means all but the top two political parties.

In the June 3rd California primary, the highest number of votes received by any third party or independent candidate was 218,847, representing 6.4% of voters. That count went to me, running as a Green for state treasurer on a state bank platform. It was the highest percentage ever gotten by a Green in a statewide partisan California election, but it was not enough to leap the top-two barrier. Laura Wells, also running as a Green on a state bank platform, received 5.6% of the vote for state controller. All other third party and independent statewide candidates got a lower percentage in their races, except for one independent who just placed fourth. That means only Democrats and Republicans will be debating the issues in November.

Top Two has not only foreclosed third-party candidates from the general election but has made it substantially harder for them to get on the primary ballot. From 1992 to 2010, the Green, Libertarian, Peace and Freedom, and American Independent parties averaged 127 primary ballot candidates among them in each election cycle. In 2012, in Top Two’s first year, they were able to qualify only 17 for state legislative and congressional races, the fewest since 1966, when only Democrats and Republicans were on the ballot. This dropped to 13 in 2014, with only 10 others running for quadrennial statewide offices, down from 33 in 2010.

California’s Controversial Proposition 14

On Feb. 19, 2009, between 4 and 7 a.m., without any public notice or public hearing, the Legislature placed a major constitutional electoral reform – Proposition 14 – on the June 2010 primary ballot and approved its companion statute, Senate Bill 6.

The Voter Information Guide did not provide a summary or text of SB 6, which fleshes out critical details of Proposition 14; nor did Proposition 14’s official ballot title and summary refer to it. Many potential negative effects of Top Two were hidden from voters, and opportunities to vet and correct them before the measure was placed on the ballot were denied to the public.

This left the field wide open for California’s largest corporations – which enthusiastically favored Proposition 14 because they thought it would result in the election of corporate-friendly public officials – to flood the airwaves with propoganda about how Top Two would increase voter choice. In fact, it has done the opposite, to the point of excluding “no corporate money” candidates from the general election debate.

Several other barriers to participation were added or strengthened by Top Two, without the prior vetting of voters. The number of signatures needed to be on the statewide primary ballot without paying an expensive filing fee jumped from 150 to 10,000 for smaller-party candidates – and that puts the candidate on the ballot only for the June primary, not into November as under the previous system.

Meanwhile, the fee for a candidate statement in the Voter Information Guide – the chief way many voters learn about candidates – was raised to $25 per word, putting the cost of a full statement at more than double the candidate filing fee. The result was to radically reduce the number of words many smaller-party candidates can afford.

The Legislature even eliminated general election write-in candidacies – a right Californians have enjoyed since statehood in 1850.

By eliminating party primaries, Top Two increased the cost of running for office – and the need for early big money – for candidates from all parties. Candidates now have to campaign to the entire electorate in June as well as in November (assuming they manage to reach the general election).  That means the role of money in California politics has only increased as a result of Top Two, making it even easier for “the 1%” to buy elections.

A Voice in the Debate

California houses 39 million people, far too many to reach by knocking on doors. Many people get their news on television. But candidates who cannot afford to buy advertising airtime and who are not invited to the televised debates (or even to the non-televised ones covered by the print media) cannot reach the broader population. That effectively means all candidates without big corporate money backing or enough personal wealth to self-fund.

Third-party candidates have long been excluded from televised debates, on the pretense that they have not polled well enough or raised enough money to be “viable candidates.” Yet hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of voters share their views on various issues. Without big money to contact voters or exposure in the debates, however, third party and other grassroots candidates cannot poll high enough to qualify because voters don’t know anything about them, creating a vicious circle of disempowerment.

But it gets worse. Apparently even the appearance of dissent to the corporate dominance of our politics cannot be tolerated. When Laura Wells attended the Brown-Whitman California gubernatorial debates in San Rafael, California, in 2010 – a race in which she was then the Green Party candidate  for governor – she was arrested just for trying to attend and sit in the audience with a ticket.  The charge, she said, was perfect: “trespassing at a private party.” Jill Stein, the 2012 Green Party candidate for US president, was similarly arrested for merely attempting to attend the presidential debates at Hofstra University, from which she had been excluded. In 2000, then-Green presidential candidate Ralph Nader was blocked from entering a viewing party in the building next door to the presidential debate from which he had been excluded. And in 2002, California Green gubernatorial candidate Peter Camejo was excluded from a gubernatorial debate although he was on the guest list of the Republican nominee in the debate.

Taking Back Our Democracy

Under the current electoral system, corporate-funded politics are strangling democracy. Our political party system needs to be radically overhauled.

At the federal level, the presidential debates are controlled by the Commission on Presidential Debates, a private corporation run by the Democrat and Republican parties and funded by corporate America. The Green Party’s alternative is to create a new publicly-funded People’s Commission on Presidential Debates, and to open its presidential debates to all candidates who appear on at least as many ballots as would represent a majority of the Electoral College and who raise enough funds to otherwise qualify for general election public financing. Also recommended is to amend federal law to remove the non-profit tax exemption status that allows corporations to fund the existing Commission on Presidential Debates and other exclusive, privately-controlled debate entities.

In California, the Green Party recommends overturning Top Two and replacing it with a system of multi-seat districts with proportional representation in the legislature. A constituency or party receiving 10% of the vote would win 10% of the seats, 30% of the vote would win 30% of the seats, and so on. This would lower the cost of getting elected while increasing the diversity of representation to more accurately reflect the voters.

For single-seat statewide executive office, Ranked Choice or “Instant Runoff” Voting is recommended, and has been successfully implemented in a number of countries and municipalities. Voters rank their choices by preference. In a five way race, a voter’s first choice gets five points and his last choice gets one point, with other selections in between. The candidate with the most points wins. There is only one election, so issues get discussed and minor party candidates get heard right up to the end. Ranked Choice Voting gives people more power to vote their true preferences, without being trapped in the “lesser-of-two-evils” dynamic that has been used to stifle real dialogue and choice.

For all elections, public financing is needed, in order to ensure that voters hear from all candidates rather than just the most well-funded.

The money is with the 1%, but the vote count is with the 99%. We can prevail, if we can get that great mass of disillusioned voters into the voting booths. And that is just the sort of game-changing event that Top Two is calculated to prevent.


Ellen Brown is an attorney, founder of the Public Banking Institute and the author of twelve books, including the best-selling Web of Debt. Her latest book, The Public Bank Solution, explores successful public banking models historically and globally.

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Financial Apocalypse – Crash Is Here Now! Retailers Closing, Food Prices Spiking, China &...

By Susan Duclos

An old  question comes to mind.... if a tree falls in the forest but no one is there to hear it, does it still make a sound?

 Of course it does.

The same goes with the economic crash that is occurring now, if no one is willing to report it, if the government denies it, if the MSM covers it up, does it mean it isn't really happening?

 While the US government's official position is that we are still in "recovery," the signs all point to our upcoming financial demise, from food prices spiking which will ultimately lead to food shortages and riots, retailers closing stores by the hundreds because they are losing revenue, China and Russia among other countries dumping the use of the dollar and the recent news that the US economy has shrunk for the first time (officially) since 2011, we are looking economic death right in the face and most people don't even know the extent of the devastation about to occur.

 Starting with the retail apocalypse, we go to ZeroHedge, who provides the raw data:

 • Wal-Mart Profit Plunges By $220 Million as US Store Traffic Declines by 1.4%

• Target Profit Plunges by $80 Million, 16% Lower Than 2013, as Store Traffic Declines by 2.3%

• Sears Loses $358 Million in First Quarter as Comparable Store Sales at Sears Plunge by 7.8% and Sales at Kmart Plunge by 5.1%

• JC Penney Thrilled With Loss of Only $358 Million For the Quarter

• Kohl’s Operating Income Plunges by 17% as Comparable Sales Decline by 3.4%

• Costco Profit Declines by $84 Million as Comp Store Sales Only Increase by 2%

• Staples Profit Plunges by 44% as Sales Collapse and Closing Hundreds of Stores

• Gap Income Drops 22% as Same Store Sales Fall

• American Eagle Profits Tumble 86%, Will Close 150 Stores

• Aeropostale Losses $77 Million as Sales Collapse by 12%

• Best Buy Sales Decline by $300 Million as Margins Decline and Comparable Store Sales Decline by 1.3%

• Macy’s Profit Flat as Comparable Store Sales decline by 1.4%

• Dollar General Profit Plummets by 40% as Comp Store Sales Decline by 3.8%

• Urban Outfitters Earnings Collapse by 20% as Sales Stagnate

• McDonalds Earnings Fall by $66 Million as US Comp Sales Fall by 1.7%

• Darden Profit Collapses by 30% as Same Restaurant Sales Plunge by 5.6% and Company Selling Red Lobster

• TJX Misses Earnings Expectations as Sales & Earnings Flat

• Dick’s Misses Earnings Expectations as Golf Store Sales Plummet

• Home Depot Misses Earnings Expectations as Customer Traffic Only Rises by 2.2%• Lowes Misses Earnings Expectations as Customer Traffic was Flat 

Food Prices Spike, via USA Today:

 • Beef - Thus far, retailers have absorbed the bulk of a 22% beef price increase the past year, but Nalivka expects retailers to pass more costs to consumers this year.

• Pork: Retail pork prices rose 6.8% in the past year

• Poultry: Poultry prices increased 4.7% last year, the Agriculture Department says

• Milk: Retailers have been hit by a 36% wholesale price increase since December, and Jones says per-gallon retail prices could rise another 25 cents to 50 cents this year.

• Fruits and Vegetables: Orange prices increased 3.4% last month, and strawberry prices are up 12% vs. a year ago. Analyst Michael Swanson says prices for other fruits and vegetables could spike this year 

In the videos below we the question of whether China can kill the US Dollar, a discussion on economic death and the news of the US economy shrinking for the first time since 2011, which is being called "temporary."

The numbers don't lie... people do.

Video above details:

Not only this, but China holds around 1.3 trillion dollars of US debt. A debt accumulated by China's stockpile of dollars from international trade which they lend back to the US at ridiculously low interest rates.

But what happens if they stop playing the game? Well, in some respects they already have.

For the last few years, increasing numbers of commentators, including Max Keiser, have been predicting the collapse of the US dollar, a collapse that could be closer than you think. America currently faces a very real, impending threat -- China. China accounts for more global trade than anyone else on the planet, and most of that trade happens in US dollars keeping demand for the dollar high and overseas trade at low costs.

But what happens if they stop playing the game? Well, in some respects they already have.

Cross posted at Before It's News

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Fast-Tracking Neoliberalism In India

Global Research 21/5/2014

Apparently, the results of the national general election in India mark a turning point. We are told that the nation has spoken and has given the new Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his BJP party a ‘landslide victory’. Despite the euphoria, however, only 31% of votes cast were for the BJP. That’s hardly a ringing endorsement. But it was enough to give the BJP a ‘landslide’ in terms of parliamentary seats. No party in India has ever won over half the seats with such a low share of the vote. The previous lowest vote share for a single-party majority was in 1967, when Congress gained 40.8% of the votes polled.

With calls from some of Modi’s advisors for a Thatcherite-style, pro-privatisation revolution in India (1), it is worth recalling how successive Thatcher-led governments in Britain brought immense damage to the social and economic fabric of the country to profit her rich backers on the back of similar ‘landslide’ victories based on similar shares of the vote (2).

There was never a ringing endorsement in Britain for the policies of Thatcher. The opposition was weak and split and many bought into to her platitudes about privatisation, the feckless poor, the virtues of the free market and rolling back the state as a proxy for Britain’s woes at the time. Similarly, notwithstanding a fragmentation of the vote which has helped the BJP into power, disillusionment with the Congress Party in India has led many voters to buy into the rhetoric of the charismatic Modi who is regarded by many as someone that can get things done. Like Thatcher, he is seen as a strong leader who will act when others have fudged and procrastinated. 

The type of ‘development’ being pushed through in India is underpinned by unconstitutional land takeovers, cronyism, corruption, violence and the trampling of democratic rights (3,4,5). And for all the talk of the wonders of opening up markets and economic neo-liberalism, the poverty alleviation rate in India remains around the same as it was back in 1991 (0.8 percent), while the ratio between the top and bottom ten percents of the population has doubled during this period (6).

In Gujarat, which has fully embraced the neo-liberal model of ‘development’ under the leadership of Chief Minister Modi, hundreds of thousands of farmers, fishermen, pastoralists and agricultural workers have been displaced from their land. Since 2001, some 16,000 farmers and workers have committed suicide due to economic distress (7). Gujarat has the highest prevalence of hunger and lowest human development indices among states with comparable per capita income. The high level of malnutrition is a consequence of extremely low wage rates, malfunctioning nutrition schemes and lack of potable water supplies and sanitation. Over two thirds of households defecate in the open, resulting in high levels of jaundice, diarrhoea, malaria and various other diseases (8). Unregulated pollution has destroyed farmers and fishermen’s livelihoods and has subjected local populations to diseases and death (9). Moreover, GDP ‘growth’ in Gujarat is underpinned by debt. The state's debt increased from approximately 7,716 million US dollars in 2002 to 23,672 million US dollars in 2013 (10).

Hand in hand with privatisation, Gujarat has also witnessed massive corruption (this is not unique to Gujarat, it is a symptom of neo-liberalism: since 1991, whenIndia began to embrace neo-liberalism, the outflow of illicit money from the Indian economy has accelerated, 11). Writer Rohini Hensmen provides details about the levels of “stupendous” corruption and argues that those who have campaigned against it have “not fared well” (12). He goes on to state that Gujarat's growth has been achieved at the cost of handing over complete control over the economy to private interests. Economist Shipra Nigram agrees: 
“Key sectors – traditionally held to be the preserve of the state – such as ports, roads, rail and power have been handed over to corporate capital. This has meant, inevitably, that the government has abdicated all decision making powers, as well as functional and financial control over such projects. Nowhere else in the country has this abdication of responsibility been so total, nowhere else has the state given over the economy so entirely to the corporates and private investors.” (13)

Fast-tracking plunder

With a new national BJP administration headed by Narendra Modi coming to power and the backing of India’s ruling corporate elite, is this the type of ‘development’ we can expect to see being fast tracked? Can we also expect to witness an accelerated ‘restructuring’ of agriculture in favour of Western agribusiness and more farmers to be forced from their land? Can we expect ever increasing population displacement on behalf of commercial interests and rich resource-extraction companies?

Environmentalist Vandana Shiva has argued that what has been happening constitutes the biggest forced removal of people from their lands in history. According to a 2009 report commissioned by the rural development ministry and chaired by the then minister Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, it involves the biggest illegal land grab since Columbus.

It is no secret that officialdom wants to depopulate rural areas. In 2008, the then Finance Minister P.Chidambaram envisaged 85% of the population living in cities (14). That would entail at least 600 million being displaced from rural India. And it is no secret who is driving this and who would benefit. US corporate agriculture interests have been granted license to influence key aspects of agriculture and food policy in India via not only controlling seeds and chemical inputs, but by also funding, controlling and thus distorting the scientific biotech research agenda in Indian universities and institutions (15) as a result of it having secured a pivotal role in negotiations between India and the US, not least the Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture (16).

Can we also expect to see the current corporate-driven, undemocratic free trade agreement being hammered out behind closed doors between the EU and India gain added impetus? As it stands, that agreement would see powerful trans-national corporations by-passing national legislation that was implemented to safeguard the public’s rights. We could see the Indian government being sued by multinational companies for billions of dollars in private arbitration panels outside of Indian courts if national laws, policies, court decisions or other actions are perceived to interfere with their investments. This is already a reality in many parts of the world whereby legislation is shelved due to even the threat of legal action by corporations. Such agreements cement corporations’ ability to raid taxpayers’ coffers via unaccountable legal tribunals, or to dictate national policies and legislation (17). Even the threat of legal action can compel governments to shelve legislation.

Is this now to be India’s future? One that mirrors what we have seen in the US, Britain and elsewhere - an unmitigated corporate heist and increased state surveillance via the all pervasive Central Monitoring System to help dampen dissent from those at the sharp end of the full-frontal assault of fast-tracked neo-liberalism and cronyism – because history shows that whenever a state spies on its own people, this is usually the reason why (18).

Can we expect ever more industrial developments built with public money and strategic assets, such as energy sources, ports, airports and infrastructure support for agriculture to be sold off?  

Hostage to neo-liberalism 

Do people really believe India’s future lies in tying itself to a corrupt, moribund system that has so patently failed in the West and can now only sustain itself by plundering other countries via war or lop-sided ‘free trade’ agreements, which have little if anything to do with free trade?

Neo-liberalism (the paradigm for modern day ‘globalisation’) is by its very nature designed to fail the majority and benefit the relative few. And its outcome is and will continue to be endless conflicts for fewer and fewer resources. Globally, expect more Syrias, more Iraqs, more Libyas, more Congos and more threats, bullying, sanctions and military encirclements of states like we see happening to Iran, Russia or China, courtesy of the US.

Its outcome is also environmental destruction and an elitist agenda by rich eugenicists who voice concerns over there being ‘simply too many mouths’ to feed (19). Those mouths would only take food from their rich bellies – bellies that long ago became bloated from the fat of the land, lucrative wars and the misery brought about by economic exploitation under guise of free market ideology.

We must look behind the rhetoric of those who espouse the virtues of the free market or neo-liberalism. The US achieved its level of affluence by way of thuggery not free market economics. Major General Smedley Butler, the US’s most decorated marine, said as much and listed various corporations on whose behalf he fought for during his various military campaigns. Little has changed since Smedley wrote about his experiences in 1935, if we turn our attention to US-backed conflicts in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine and the banking, oil, gas and agri-tech firms that fuel and/or are intended to benefit from them.

Corporate-backed politicians in India have also seen little wrong in using the machinery and violence of the state to work hand in glove with rich interests to secure access to the nation’s resources, while attempting to justify its brand of plunder, human rights abuses, killings and cronyism by hiding behind platitudes about ‘opening up’ this or that sector of the economy, ‘progress’ and baseless claims about the wonders of the ‘free’ market.

Is this the type of 'development' that Indian people want to see fast tracked? Ultimately, this is what the minority who handed the BJP its landslide victory voted for. This is the type of 'development' they could well get. 
“Since the cross-ownership of businesses is not restricted by the ‘gush-up gospel’ rules, the more you have, the more you can have... corporations buy politicians, judges, bureaucrats and media houses, hollowing out democracy, retaining only its rituals. Huge reserves of bauxite, iron ore, oil and natural gas worth trillions of dollars were sold to corporations for a pittance, defying even the twisted logic of the free market... leading to the siphoning off of billions of dollars of public money. Then there’s the land grab – the forced displacement of communities, of millions of people whose lands are being appropriated by the state and handed to private enterprise.” Arundhati Roy (20).
