You Can’t Lose What You Ain’t Never Had

Photograph Source Senate Democrats | CC BY 2.0

The buzz is that “we” have to “take back” the House and Senate in the November midterm elections. Legendary bluesman Muddy Waters said it best: “you can’t lose what you ain’t never had.” What the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is really telling us to do is to give them Congress, which is a whole other story.

“We” Never Had Congress

Trump has an abysmal 38% approval rating. The Democratic Party in the same independent national poll is even deeper in the abyss with only a 31% approval rating…for at least a dozen reasons:

(1) The Democratic Party is consistently far to the right of its constituents. While nearly 75% of Democrats support single-payer health care, President Obama and the Democrat Congressional members didn’t even allow single-payer to get before Congress. Single-payer was rendered “off the table.”

(2) The upwelling of resistance to Trump among the American electorate is genuine and deserved. But the official Resistance, mediated by its Democratic Party handlers, is focused on Trump the man and not his politics. Democrats in Congress voted nearly two to one in favor of Trump’s unconscionable $716 billion war budget. “The Resistance,” in the words of Bruce Dixon of the Black Agenda Report,“is really the Assistance.”

(3) Despite all the divisive pyrotechnics on the surface, the two corporate parties tacitly collaborate with each other. When the smoke clears, the class unity…

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