White House Trouble

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Trump’s son-in-law and policy advisor Jared Kushner, a globalist with leftist learnings, has hired Jamie Gorelick as his attorney in the Democrat’s “Russian collusion” witch hunt.

Remarkably, positioning Gorelick at the heart of the Trump administration counter-attack to the Democratic Party’s no-evidence “Russian Collusion” meme is tantamount to installing a direct line to the Clinton home in Chappaqua, N.Y., making leaking to Bill and Hillary a matter of lawyer-client privilege.

For those who have not followed Gorelick’s career, she is an established Clinton operative whose loyalty to the Clinton-wing of the Democratic Party has decades of history.

I first began covering Gorelick in 2004, when I began reporting for WND, featuring her in articles WND published on June 13, 2008, and again, on March 24, 2011.

Time to buy old US gold coins

For those not familiar with Gorelick, this article will detail her history as a Democratic operative on the 9/11 Commission, as well as one of the Democrats rewarded by being given lucrative appointments at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with the opportunity to enrich themselves with the type of fraudulent accounting that would have made the Enron criminals blush.

Jamie “The Wall” Gorelick and the 9/11 Commission

From 1994 to 1997, while serving in the Department of Justice as a deputy attorney general, Gorelick wrote a 1995 memo, creating what in time became known as the “Gorelick Wall.”

Basically, the Gorelick memo set in stone the Clinton-era doctrine that terrorism was to be regarded as a criminal justice problem, such that information developed by intelligence agencies was not to be shared with criminal investigative units, including the Department of Justice, largely because…

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