Following the release of his latest album The Monsanto Years, Neil Young has released a short film documentary entitled Seeding Fear that tells one man’s story of beating Monsanto at its own game. Michael White, a fourth-generation farmer from northeast Alabama, tells of how the agricultural giant sued his now-deceased father, threatened his family and ultimately attempted to wipe out the White’s seed-cleaning business — and failed.
“As far as we can tell, he’s the oldest man in the world to ever have been sued for saving seed since God created seed,” stated White about his late father, who was falsely accused of saving Monsanto’s patented, genetically-modified (GM), Roundup-ready soybeans.
“He’s probably the only farmer to ever beat Monsanto, hands down. Even after the lawsuit was over, I couldn’t make him believe it was over. He would cry and keep saying, ‘Oh, they’re going to come back and sue me again.’ They destroyed him; they destroyed his life. He went to his grave, this grave, still afraid of them. He’s in peace now, abiding in his destiny.”
You can watch this heart-wrenching film in its entirety by clicking here: SEEDING FEAR
A war veteran, White’s father suffered immensely at the hands of Monsanto, having been repeatedly dragged into federal court with his walker to defend himself against the multinational corporation. White says Monsanto has sued at least seven other farmers in the area, and threatened to sue dozens of others.
You see, Monsanto doesn’t like competition, and the White’s seed-cleaning business represented just that. White and his family have been cleaning seeds for many generations, and prior to the advent of GMOs, this is how all farmers grew new crops every year. But Monsanto’s business model of absolute seed control doesn’t mesh into this paradigm.
“I’ve been growing these seeds for about 20 years — some of them may be 30 years old — we’ll clean these and replant them next year. That way I don’t have to go buy new seed every year; I save my own, which saves me about $20,000, and I don’t have to give it to some big agricultural corporation,” White states in the film, as he throws a handful of corn seed into a bin.
“Not many seed-cleaning places are left; it’s just gotten too dangerous. Monsanto sued about seven farmers around here, and they threatened to sue 75 farmers. They spread a lot of discord in this community. I can still clean for the public, but it’s too dangerous. Monsanto will send a private investigator in here with a load of seed, and lie to you about what he’s got. And then you clean them and you’re hung.”
Choosing White as its “poster boy” for elimination, Monsanto apparently didn’t know who it was dealing with. Refusing to give in like many other farmers in his area, White decided to give Monsanto a run for its money, even after being threatened by one of its agents with death if he didn’t stop cleaning non-GMO seeds.
“The day they had to fess up to the death threat, just immediately they asked to go to mediation,” White recalls. “I refused to go, and they’ve been beating on me for four or five years, and I wanted to beat on them for a while. They told me in court, ‘you’ve got them on the rope, what do you want to do?’ I said, ‘I want to knock them out.'”
White ultimately won his case, but many others like him haven’t. In fact, most farmers, when faced with lawsuits fueled by the seemingly limitless funds of multinational corporations like Monsanto, end up backing down. But White is a fighter, and his example is one that other American farmers can follow as they stand in defiance like David versus Goliath.
“Most farmers are running scared of Monsanto, so they’ve gotten in line and they dance when Monsanto plays the fiddle,” White says. “[Monsanto’s] got a pretty well-oiled machine. Slam a couple hundred farmers through court and they have to come out with their lips zipped up. They’ve silenced most of them except for three or four of us. Most farmers go broke before they ever get cleared for a jury trial. I was cleared for a jury trial. I would fight them again. It would snow in hell before I’d give in to them.”
Reminding watchers that criminalizing seed saving is nothing new, White had this to say towards the end of the film:
“Seed control–it’s not a new weapon, it’s a very old weapon. Pharaoh in Egypt did it to the Israelites. They had to go to him to beg for seed. It’s just not morally or economically right to be able to patent anything that reproduces.”
Be sure to watch the film Seeding Fear for free here:
Neil Young’s Seeding Fear
To read more articles about the evil spread by Monsanto, go to
To see another great film about seeds and GMOs, go to
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Reprinted on RINF Alternative News with permission from Natural News.