Violence Will Ensue If The GOP Loses

Photo Source Governor Tom Wolf | CC BY 2.0

In the wake of yet another preventable massacre here in the United States, Donald Trump and his lying team of sociopaths are scrambling for excuses. In my mind, the American culture of violence as seen in the Pentagon, Hollywood and elsewhere is first to blame. Next comes the woefully corrupt Republicans and their allegiance to the NRA. “Gun rights” is the single most partisan donor group to the Republican Party. Followed shortly after by mining, oil and gas. The Republicans top three donors: death, death and more death. This is a party funded by the most destructive parts of the capitalist economy. Also cracking the top 20 of partisan support for the Republicans: Dairy, Forest Products, Chemicals, Livestock and Agricultural Services. All of these industries are environmentally destructive and part of the 71%. That is, part of the 100 companies responsible for 71% of the world’s global emissions. Now we see where the Republicans get their looney ideas!

A quick side note. While the most partisan Democrat institutions were far more admirable, the Israel lobby cracked the Democrat top 20—a strong reminder that the only vote against the war party is a vote against both parties of Empire. One can see the blatant hypocrisy of Israel’s own ethnic cleansing state as Trump adores Isreal’s but also empowers anti-semitism through the vehicle of white supremacy.

Coming in third for blame, after the Pentagon and the Republicans…

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