UK to opt out of European Convention on Human Rights

British military forces will soon be allowed to violate European human rights laws on the battlefield, a move that according to UK Prime Minister Theresa May protects them from “vexatious” legal claims.

May and UK Defense Minister Michael Fallon were expected to announce on Tuesday that Britain will opt out of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to prevent “victims” from using them to mount “spurious” legal claims against British troops.

This means that in future conflicts, London will commit to the Geneva Conventions instead, which condone lethal force as a first resort against enemy forces. 

According to The Telegraph, breaking from the ECHR will take place on a case-by-case basis.

Under the new plan, the UK government would put a time limit for new claims, after which no cases will be accepted.

Legal firms will also be discouraged to bring lawsuits against British troops through reducing the financial incentives on a “no…

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