Southwest spends tax savings on employee bonuses, charity, new routes

American Mirror
January 5, 2018

President Trump’s historic tax cuts are a gift that keeps on giving.

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly announced this week that the company will award employee bonuses, donate millions to charity, and invest in improving its business with the money it will save from the president’s tax reform.

Liberals, of course, are attempting to paint the announcement as a bad thing, with some even vowing to boycott Southwest for its generosity.

“I’m proud to report we are rewarding our Employees with a $1,000 bonus with the anticipated savings from the tax reform legislation,” Kelly wrote on Twitter Tuesday, “we are contributing an additional $5 million in charitable donations, and we are making investments in our fleet and our business.”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

“We aren’t wasting any time putting the tax savings to work, and our first measure of business is to reward our Southwest employees with a $1,000 bonus, and we’ll pay that bonus on January the 8th, and I’m sure this news will be well received by our 55,000 plus Southwest family members,” Kelly said in a video that accompanied his post. “One of the most rewarding aspect of my job is to take care of our employees, so I can’t think of a better way to kick off the New Year.”

Kelly specifically cited the tax relief for fueling the company’s ambitious plans for 2018.

“As a company, tax reform has long been on our list of issues that we’ve been working to address,” he said. “This creates an opportunity for us to reward our employees, to invest…

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