Russian cryogenics firm wants to send frozen dead bodies into SPACE so it can one day bring them back to life

Daily Mail
August 31, 2017

Bizarre plans announced by a Russian cyrogenics firm will see the dead blasted into space after their bodies have been frozen.

The unusual funerals are being offered to people who believe there may be a hope of bringing them back to life one day.

With space a premium here on Earth, experts at KrioRus see outer space as a ‘land of opportunity’ for future burials.

The cost of preserving a body to stay in space has been slated to start at around £240,000 ($250,000).

The Moscow-based cryonics company says frozen bodies, DNA samples and even the bodies of pets could be blasted into the atmosphere under the plans.

They have made an agreement with Space Technologies, a new science and tech consortium, to provide liftoff for its cyro-coffins.

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This article was posted: Thursday, August 31, 2017 at 8:33 am

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