This is why they hate Tucker
Paul Joseph Watson
April 3, 2019
After Tucker Carlson outperformed CNN’s entire prime time line-up combined, CNN published an article attacking his advertisers.
The Fox News host achieved 3,475,000 total viewers last week, beating CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo, who could only muster 2,474,000 viewers between the three of them.
Last week, Tucker Carlson outperformed CNN’s entire prime time line up combined:
FNC Carlson: 3,475,000 total viewers
CNN Cooper: 810,000
CNN Cuomo: 875,000
CNN Lemon: 789,000CNN prime time total: 2,474,000
CNN responds by promoting boycotts of his show from far-left groups
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 2, 2019
CNN responded with an article lauding the claim that “Carlson’s commercial breaks have had only a smattering of ads from lesser-known brands.”
According to CNN, this is because the Fox News host, “made racist remarks on immigrants in December,” even though he didn’t and was merely making the factual observation that migrant caravans often leave a trail of litter behind them.
Over the last month, Tucker Carlson’s commercial breaks have had only a smattering of ads from lesser-known brands. It might be a new normal for the Fox News host, who has endured ad boycott campaigns since he made racist remarks on immigrants in December.
— CNN (@CNN) April 2, 2019
CNN then amplified Mimi Chakravorti, the executive director at the branding firm Landor, who basically threatened advertisers that if they continued to appear alongside Tucker’s show, they would be in violation of ‘the great awokening’ – in other words, the increasingly shrinking number of viewpoints that remain acceptable and politically correct to the establishment.
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