Prison » Trump Slams Obama’s “Totally Biased, Corrupt” DoJ After “Leakin’” Comey Testimony

Zero Hedge
December 8, 2018

Former FBI Director James Comey, who testified behind closed doors today to the House Judiciary Committee, said afterward he had agreed to testify again on Dec. 17.

Comey, who had pressed unsuccessfully for a public hearing, told reporters Friday that “we could have done this in an open setting.”

As Reuters reports, the former FBI director dropped his opposition to a closed-door hearing on Dec. 2 after members of the House panel agreed to provide a full transcript within 24 hours and agreed he would be permitted to make it public.

“When you read the transcript you’ll see that we’re talking again about Hillary Clinton’s emails for heaven’s sake, so I’m not sure we need to do this at all,” Comey told reporters.

“But I’m trying to respect the institution and to answer questions in a respectful way. You’ll see I did that in the transcript.”

Comey added that “the FBI for understandable reasons doesn’t want me talk about of an investigation that’s still ongoing” into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

But in his usual manner, he did say that President Trump’s attacks on the FBI and Justice Department are “deeply troubling.”

However, just minutes after Comey spoke to reporters, Trump responded with another angry tweet, raging “Leakin’ James Comey was told by Department of Justice attorneys not to answer the most important questions,” adding that this showed “total bias and corruption at the highest levels of previous Administration.”

Trump ended pointedly: “Force him to answer the questions under oath!”

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