Daily Mail
October 23, 2017
It’s a game played by children around the world – pretending you’re a superhero with unstoppable powers.
But a new study suggests that getting adults to imagine they are invincible can actually affect their political beliefs.
Researchers found that when conservative people imagine they have superpowers, their views become more liberal.
The results suggest that conservative attitudes are driven, at least in part, by needs for safety and security.
The study was carried out by researchers at New York University, and is discussed in a new book by Professor John Bargh, a psychology expert at Yale, titled ‘Before You Know It: The Unconscious Reasons We Do What We Do.’
While previous studies have suggested that you can turn liberals into conservatives by scaring them, this is one of the first studies to discuss how to turn a conservative into a liberal.
This article was posted: Monday, October 23, 2017 at 6:44 am