Prison » Space war between US & Russia will trap humanity on Earth, no matter who wins – analysts

March 28, 2019

Acting US Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan may claim the US will win any war in space, not realizing that such conflict will forever make humanity prisoners on Earth. Thankfully, his words are just propaganda, analysts say.

“I’m fully confident we could win a conflict in space today” against Russia, China or any other adversary, Shanahan told US senators, who are deciding if he’s fit to take on the job on a permanent basis.

When asked to comment on this ambitious statement, Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, remembered the words of US astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who was the sixth person to walk on the moon.

“Years ago, I organized a protest at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida and one of the speakers was Mitchell. And he said if there’s one war in space – it’ll be the last because so much space junk will be created by blowing up the satellites that we won’t be able to get a rocket off Earth anymore. It just won’t be able to get through this ‘minefield.’”

However, the acting defense secretary’s words “are really not new” as Washington had been talking about controlling and dominating space since the days of President Ronald Reagan back in the 1980s, Gagnon told RT.

“The US sees space as another fighting domain. They have a slogan, reading ‘full spectrum dominance’ and what this means is that the US military should control a conflict at every level – on the ground, in the ocean, in the air and now in space.”

The activist praised Russia and China for their decades-long effort to promote Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS), regretting that “the US and Israel keep blocking that treaty at the UN.”

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