Actor seen with young boys in Thailand
Paul Joseph Watson
November 8, 2017
A Reddit user warned over a year ago that Kevin Spacey was a pedophile, alleging that the actor had been seen acting inappropriately with young boys at a nightclub in Bangkok.
The forum user, who went under the pseudonym El_Cochinote, posted back on May 27, 2016 that he personally witnessed Spacey being entertained by the boys.
“I saw pubescent boys in his lap, dancing for and massaging him, etc in a VIP room at a nightclub in an Asian country. In a developed country, I’d have broken his face then called the cops. In that country, I just felt nauseous and walked away,” he wrote.
The user went on to claim that Spacey’s lawyers were having claims about his sexual abuse removed from the Internet.
“He has an army of lawyers that comb the Internet for reports of his sick predilections but if you Google him specifically around those predilections, you’ll find a few things that have survived. Like I said, don’t be surprised when the news breaks wide open. It’s inevitable,” wrote the user.
In another post eight months ago, the user spelled out his accusation in plain language, writing, “Kevin Spacey is a pedo. Had the misfortune and disgust of seeing enough with my own eyes in a foreign country. The rumors are out there and it’s a matter of time.”
During an AMA posted yesterday, the user, who worked in international logistics, returned to fill in the details of what he had witnessed, saying that the incident took place in Bangkok, Thailand in 2009.
El_Cochinote complained that his previous posts were downvoted and that “nobody believed them” at the time.
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