Skeptics more likely to recycle & use public transport than hypocrite leftists
Paul Joseph Watson
May 9, 2018
A new study has once again exposed how leftists value virtue signaling over action by revealing that people who express the most alarm about climate change are less likely to be eco-friendly than global warming skeptics.
The study, published in the April edition of the Journal of Environmental Psychology, separated 600 participants into three groups based on their level of concern about climate change: “highly concerned,” “cautiously worried,” and “skeptical.”
Cornell and the University of Michigan researchers “found that those “highly concerned” about climate change were less likely to engage in recycling and other eco-friendly behaviors than global-warming skeptics,” reports the Washington Times.
While those who expressed high concern about global warming were the most vocal cheerleaders of government intervention, they were least likely to report their own individual actions.
On the other hand, climate change skeptics who rail against taxation and other onerous government programs were more likely to engage in individual eco-friendly activities such as recycling and conserving fossil fuels by using public transport.
“Sorry, I didn’t have time to recycle—I was busy watching a documentary about the crumbling Antarctic ice shelf,” jokes blogger Tom Jacobs.
“Regarding climate change skeptics, remember that conservatism prizes individual action over collective efforts. So while they may assert disbelief in order to stave off coercive (in their view) actions by the government, many could take pride in doing what they can do on a personal basis,” he adds.
The study speaks to stereotypes about celebrities, which tend to be true, about them living lavish lifestyles, flying private and enjoying luxury yachts while lecturing the rest…