Prison » Mike Pence to promote Space Force plan at Pentagon on Thursday

Washington Examiner
August 9, 2018

SPACE FORCE: There will be an honor guard on hand to greet Vice President Mike Pence as he arrives at the Pentagon this morning to formally start the countdown for President Trump’splan to launch a sixth and separate service in the U.S. military known as Space Force. He’ll be welcomed by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who in the past opposed a separate Space Corps that would be under the Air Force, but who said this week. “We are in complete alignment with the president’s concern about protecting our assets in space.”

The Pentagon is also expected to release a congressionally-mandated report on its recommendations for how to address space as a developing warfighting domain, which Defense One reported last week proposes to stand up a joint services combatant command for space the same way it has for cyber operations.

Pence’s remarks are set for around 11:15 a.m., and will be streamed live on the Pentagon website.

THE SPACE FORCE MISSION: Whatever form the final organization takes, a separate branch of the military, or a corps that’s part of the Air Force, or a joint unified command, the mission will be basically defensive. The U.S. military has more than 100 satellites, 77 operated by the Air Force and 12 by the Navy.

Of those, 31 are global positioning system satellites which are operated by the Air Force from the Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo. In addition, the Air Force, which has the responsibility of most of the military space assets, also controls weather satellites and communication satellites, including secure communication, so that the president and U.S. commanders can be in touch with his forces anywhere in the world.

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This article was posted: Thursday, August 9, 2018 at 6:32 am

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