Prison » German Police Lie About Migrant Crime Statistics to “Preserve Peace”

Honor killings and sexual assaults hidden from the public

Paul Joseph Watson
February 15, 2019


German police officers hide the severity of migrant crime statistics in order to “preserve civil peace” according to a recent news report.

The report cites research which suggests the statistics are “tweaked” so as not to alarm the population.

“There is no lying, nothing hushed up, but things are deliberately left out,” one state police officer is quoted as saying, which in other words means lying by omission.

Journalist Dieter Wonka, who met with police to confirm the story, says that crimes such as “honor killing or sexual offences….should not appear in reports” and if they do appear in police reports, higher-ups will ask for a “review,” which is a euphemism for removing the information.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

“This is a signal to alert the police officer who wrote the report to remove certain terms which are provocative and could have a negative influence on the statistics,” said Wonka, meaning that “statistical accumulations are differently weighted and presented differently as what the clear insights in detail would reveal.”

According to one police officer quoted in the report, migrant crime stats are downplayed or hidden so as to “preserve civil peace.”

Germany has seen protests against mass immigration over the course of the last year in response to the fact that violent crime has risen over the last two years and 90% of it is due to migrants, according to the German government’s own statistics.

Meanwhile, after a surge in migrants since Angela Merkel opened up Germany’s borders in 2015, the population of foreign-born inmates is at an all time high.

In major cities like Berlin and Hamburg, more than 50% of prisoners are from abroad. Despite this, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs in Germany recently funded a brochure for…

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