Prison » College offers social justice Master’s for ‘scholar-activists’

Campus Reform
May 24, 2018

Marygrove College, a Catholic graduate institution in Detroit, is now offering students a chance to earn a master’s degree in Social Justice.

According to the program’s webpage, the graduate program “is ideal for those interested in learning and promoting social justice/ change and becoming a scholar/activist.”

Through various courses offered by the program, students will get a chance to learn about concepts such as “corporate power,” “white privilege,” “psychology on social justice,” and more.

Among the courses that count towards a Master of Arts in Social Justice degree are “Justice [in] U.S. Economic Structures,” “Religion and Justice: Conflict and Congruence,” “Organizing for Social Change,” and more.

“Examination of race and racism will be presented from the lenses of Colonialism, Post-Traumatic Slavery Syndrome, and the dysfunctional side of white privilege,” one course description reads. “In addition, it will explore contemporary perspectives on spiritual and emotional intelligence related to social injustices.”

“This course is designed to introduce students to the law and policy of environmental justice,” explains the description of another course. “Environmental justice is at the confluence of the civil rights movement and the environmental movement. Students will develop an understanding of the scientific, economic, ethical, and legal underpinnings of environmental justice decision-making with a focus on Detroit.”

A course on human rights, meanwhile, offers students an opportunity to “examine how narratives (including films) enable or disable memory, truth telling, and justice in the aftermath of atrocity,” while a “special topics” Theology class helps pupils “develop their own theology of resistance.”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

According to the main description of the degree plan, the…

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