PressTV-‘World’s richest will posses two-thirds of wealth by 2030’

The gap between the world’s super rich and other citizens is widening at an alarming rate and by 2030 the richest 1% will control two-thirds of the world’s wealth, according to an alarming analysis by Britain’s House of Commons.

In its shocking report, the UK House of Commons library said the top 1% of the world will hold 64% of the world’s wealth by 2030.

The Guardian reported that Danny Dorling, professor of geography at the University of Oxford, said the scenario in which the super-rich accumulated even more wealth by 2030 was a realistic one.

“Even if the income of the wealthiest people in the world stops rising dramatically in the future, their wealth will still grow for some time,” he said. “The last peak of income inequality was in 1913. We are near that again, but even if we reduce inequality now it will continue to grow for one to two more decades.”

The House of Commons research was commissioned by Liam Byrne, the…

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