PressTV-US chairs UN Security Council meeting, Iran on agenda

The US has chaired the UN Security Council meeting on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, with the 2015 Iran nuclear deal on the agenda, one day after President Donald Trump’s speech that attacked Tehran at the General Assembly but during which he was also mocked for touting his domestic policies.

Trump on Wednesday opened the meeting, which the US initially said would focus on Iran, but later broadened the agenda to include nuclear non-proliferation and weapons of mass destruction.

It was Trump’s first experience in leading a session of the UNSC, where the US currently holds the rotating presidency.

During the Security Council meeting, Trump threatened that any individuals or entities that fail to comply with Iran sanctions will “face server consequences” and stressed that the US will ensure Iran will never get a nuclear bomb.  

He also said that the US will pursue tougher Iran sanctions, “tougher than ever…

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