PressTV-Trump’s approval rating sinks in 8 polls

New polls in the United States show that President Donald Trump’s approval rating has declined ahead of November’s mid-term elections.

The latest CNN poll showed on Tuesday that Trump’s approval rating stood at just 36 percent – a drop of 6 points compared to last month – and reached a new record low among independent voters.

“Overall, just 36% approve of the way the President is handling his job, down from 42% in August. Among independents, the drop has been sharper, from 47% approval last month to 31% now,” the poll said.

The businessman-turned-politician also reached a new low of just 32 percent in CNN polling for the number of people who believed he was honest and trustworthy.

The poll surveyed 1,003 adults between September 6 and 9 with a margin of error of 3.8 percentage points.

Seven other reliable polls also revealed a downward trend in the US president’s popularity.

The polls included ABC News/Washington Post, Gallup,…

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