PressTV-71% in US say politics at ‘dangerous low point’: Poll

The majority of Americans believe that politics in the United States have reached a “dangerous low point” under President Donald Trump, according to a new poll.

The Washington Post-University of Maryland poll released Saturday found 71 percent of voters viewed the current political divisions in the US comparable to the Vietnam War era.

The figure reached 77 percent among individuals who were adults during the Vietnam War.

In contrast, only 29 percent of participants said they believed this period in American politics is “similar to most periods of disagreement.”

At 51 percent, a little more than half of the voters thought Trump deserved “a lot” of the blame for the division while 65 percent blamed the trend on money in politics and 56 said wealthy donors were the culprits.

The American media also received a big part of the blame, with 49 percent of the voters holding news organizations responsible for the deep-running divisions.

The poll…

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